Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

An increasing use of transputers, transputer based systems and of 
the RISC architecture can be observed. 
Digital image matching algorithms can be successfully applied to 
satellite and small scale images, as well as to images taken in 
especially controlled environment in close range applications. 
Further work is needed for large scale images. 
Further research and development is necessary in feature 
extraction and for the efficient parallelization of algorithms. 
6. At the Symposium of Commission IV, held in Tsukuba from May 15 to 17, 
1990 several papers on digital stereo systems and on digital orthopro 
jection were presented. They are included in the proceedings. 
7. During the Symposium of Commission III, held in Wuhan from May 22 to 
25, 1990 the second IC WG II/III meeting took place on May 23. In the 
closing session on May 25 a report was given on the progress in work 
and research of IC WG II/III. The great importance of algorithmic 
aspects was emphazised. From this point of view, many of the papers 
presented at the Symposium were related to IC WG II/III. Moreover, in 
Wuhan contacts were established and renewed with WGs III/l, 2, 3, and 
4 to guarantee that the progress achieved in Commission III can be 
utilized by IC WG II/III. 
8. During the Symposium of Commission II, held in Dresden from September 
8 to 12, 1990 one session was devoted to IC WG II/III. In total, 5 
papers were presented in this session. Three additional papers were 
strongly related to the subject of IC WG II/III. In the closing session 
on September 12 a report was given on the work of IC WG II/III. The 
characteristics of the different experimental and commercial systems 
with respect to interactivity and the application domain was discussed. 
Furthermore, contacts were established and renewed in Dresden with 
other WGs of Commission II, in particular with WG II/5. 
9. Future activities of the IC WG II/III include: 
a Workshop on design aspects in in Boulder, Colorado, USA from 
March 21 to 22, 1991 (local organizer: Dr. Franz Leberl, President 
of Vexcel Corp.) 
a Conference on digital photogrammetric systems in Munich from 
September 4 to 6, 1991 
two WG sessions and additionally one session together with 
Commission IV during the XVII ISPRS Congress in Washington, DC in 
August 1992. The planed titles are: 
Session in Commission II : 
"Design aspects of digital photogrammetric systems" 
Session in Commission III: 
"Algorithms for digital photogrammetric systems" 
Joint session of Commissions II and IV: 
"Digital photogrammetric workstations and applications"

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