Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

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The complete orientation software is implemented in the graphic user inter 
face WINDOWS from Microsoft. Standardized elements such as menu bars, pull- 
down menus, list boxes and command buttons are used for calling up functions, 
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for the entry of parameters and the output of lists. The input is made either 
with a mouse or the computer keyboard. 
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Apart from the known procedures for the orientation of a stereomodel, P-CAP 
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also offers functions for project and model management. In addition, a confi 
guration window enables the operator to assign the Planicomp input elements 
its sup- 
(P-cursor, handwheels etc.) to the model movements in accordance with his 
particular working habits. 
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After completion of the model orientation, an ASCII data file of a defined 
format is generated for the orientation parameters (PHOREX format). This data 
file is used as an interface for the driver if the CAD and GIS programs are 
Opton Feintechnik has developed drivers for three of these systems, thus en- 
on. The 
suring that the Planicomp can be directly used as an input instrument. The 
systems concerned are: 
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- AutoCAD from Autodesk 
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- MicroStation from Intergraph 
- pcARC/INFO from ESRI. 
Another five program systems have been connected to P-Series Planicomp by the 
customers and program suppliers. 
The direct use of Planicomp offers several major advantages: 
- direct input of the terrain coordinates measured in the stereomodel, 
and therefore no need for conversion programs, 
- all measuring and editing functions are directly available to the 

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