Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Progress in Data Processing and Analysis

3.4 Leica GmbH 
Leica GmbH in Solms is part of the Camera division of Leica. It 
produces one product of interest to photogrammetrists, the R5 35 
mm camera with reseau. Good results are obtained if the camera is 
properly used in conjunction with its calibration certificate. 
The R5 is sold not only as part of Elcovision 10 (see 3.2 above), 
but on its own as a data acquisition device for close range 
photogrammetry, where the convenience and reliability have led to 
its use even in architectural photogrammetry, traditionally a 
preserve of larger format cameras. 
This paper has described the formation and organisation of Leica 
pic. In order to clarify how and where photogrammetric products 
are manufactured and managed, it has outlined the divisional 
structure and some of the manufacturing facilities of the concern. 
Finally, the photogrammetric products themselves have been listed, 
with brief information added on recent developments. 
Leica is a major multinational organisation with the potential to 
dominate certain market segments where its high quality 
"mechoptronics" products are in great demand. In Aarau it is 
blessed with an outstandingly attractive venue on which to centre 
its photogrammetric activities, supported by further product 
ranges from Heerbrugg, Rochester and Solms. 
It is clear that Leica must rationalise a number of overlapping 
product ranges and facilities. But customers can relax in the 
knowledge that their investments will be fully protected because 
Leica, as a result not only of Swiss law but also of its approach 
to and respect for its customers, guarantees to support both 
hardware and software for many years to come. Furthermore, minor 
improvements in organisation and structure will doubtless take 
place, although the major strategic decisions have already been 
made. During these formatory stages, Leica must ensure that its 
customers are kept fully informed: this paper is one of many 
documents prepared with such an objective. 
This careful evolution must be echoed by a concern for the future. 
Leica has enormous potential in terms of customer base, 
manufacturing units, sales and marketing facilities and, most 
importantly, personnel. It has a duty to exploit all these 
advantages to prepare successful product lines for the future. 
It must act rapidly and its size must be used as an advantage 
rather than a regulator. It must listen to its customers as the 
future becomes reality with ever increasing speed in our modern, 
competitive world. These closing remarks have been couched in 
very general terms, but there is no doubt that the photogrammetric 
community will be among the main beneficiaries as Leica's 
potential is brought to fruition.

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