Microwave data analysis
Microwave data has special importance to remote
sensing scientist owing to its all weather capabilities. It
was observed that for the total data indented by CAPE
Project, not more than 25% of the total optical sensor data
was available for the year 1996-97 due to cloud cover
problem. Detailed studies using microwave data analysis
for crops has shown that rice crop can be discriminated at
better that 90 accuracy, higher than optical data and early
detection with multiple forecast is possible (Chakraborty et
at, 1997).
National-Level Wheat Forecasts
The procedures developed under CAPE for regional
and district-level estimates using single-date high
resolution RS data have been supplemented with national-
level forecasts. For this purpose use of multi-date WiFS
data (coarse resolution and high repetivity) has been
explored since 1995-96 season. This approach uses
Arc/Info GIS software for sample design and ERDAS
image processing software in an integrated procedure.
Use of Arc/Info GIS in National-level wheat
estimation is made for making area sampling frame,
storing segment-wise crop proportions for acreage
estimation and mean vegetation indices for condition
assessment. The procedure adopted consists of creating the
following polygon layers : (i) District boundaries (from
1:250,000 scale topographic sheets and boundaries
pertaining to 1990 in Lambert Conformal Conic
Projection), (ii) Boundaries of Image Processing zones
(quarter UTM zones) and (iii) a 15 x 15 km sampling grid
generated internally in Arc/Info through fishnet function.
The district boundaries are linked to district-wise historical
area and production attributes for identifying wheat study
districts (districts > 50,000 ha of wheat) and to
meteorological subdivision for defining yield strata. Using
WiFS images number of agricultural pixels in each
segment is estimated and stored as an attribute and
classified into 3 strata (>70, 30-70 and 5-30 percent
agriculture). Sample segments are selected from each
stratum proportional to size of stratum. The multi-date
WiFS data is classified using a hierarchical decision-rule
based classifier. The results for 1995-96 and 1996-97
season have been described earlier (Oza et al., 1996,
Bhagia etal., 1997).
Using this approach in 1997-98 wheat season,
multiple forecasts (I: Total rabi crop using WiFS data till
early February, II: Mid season assessment- data till end
February and III: Final forecast - March end) were made.
It was also possible to detect inter-seasonal crop growth
differences using multi-year WiFS-based change detection.
The production forecast employed temperature-wheat
yield regression models.
The spaceborne RS observations add a new
dimension to conventional approaches of crop yield
modelling and forecasting (biometric observations,
econometric and crop-weather models) due to their dense,
repetitive observation capability of crop and its growing
environment. Thus, a number of approaches have been
investigated for use of RS data for crop yield estimation/
forecasting, namely, (a) Assessment of Crop Growing
Condition (rainfall, temperature or soil moisture or
vegetation vigour), (b) Development of empirical-
statistical relations between spectral response and crop
yields, (c) Use of RS data in physical models or as input to
crop simulation models and (d) Use of RS in post-harvest
yield estimation. Approaches (a) to (c) are suited for real
time monitoring and forecasting applications and studies
on use of GIS are available for approaches (a) and (c).
RS in Assessment of Crop Growing Conditions
Crop environmental parameters like rainfall, temp
erature, soil moisture etc. can be estimated using satellite
based RS data'. These information, along with, the extent
of vegetation cover, received from any coarse resolution
sensor (NOAA/AVHRR), can be used for an early crop
condition assessment. These early assessments are used for
early warning of any food crisis precipitated by climatic
events. FAO-ARTEMIS provides the Meteosat-based
rainfall estimates and the NOAA/AVHRR-based assess
ments of vegetation cover, which are used as the inputs for
operational monitoring of crop conditions under the Global
Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS). An
index which quantifies stress using RS data is Satellite
Derived Stress Index (SDSI). It is estimated as: SDSI -
(DT - AT) / (DT - NT), where DT and NT are satellite
acquired day-time maximum and night-time minimum
temperatures, respectively, while AT is day-time air
maximum temperature from meteorological records.
Empirical-Statistical VI-Yield Relationships
The basic assumption in such a use of RS data is that
plant parameters (e.g. biomass, LAI) at a critical stage are
related to final grain yield and since RS data is strongly
correlated with many canopy parameters, a direct
regression between RS data and yield is feasible. RS data
offer certain advantages over procedures based solely on
meteorological data since RS data directly view the crop,
respond to non-meteorological factors as well as large
deviations from ‘normal’ weather conditions and allow
either full coverage or stratification, leading to low-
sampling errors. The use of RS-based direct approach for