International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 7-4-3 W6, Valladolid, Spain, 3-4 June, 1999
finding their physical borderlines to other landuses like forests
or agricultural areas.
Texture analysis of panchromatic satellite imagery is one
promising method in heterogeneous built-up settlement areas,
because texture is a main feature to characterise them. Several
methods have been developed to describe, classify and segment
texture (Rosenfeld, 1998). Simple statistical approaches using
mean or standard deviation do not take into account the spatial
distribution of pixels. Several authors (Haralick and Shapiro,
1992) suggested to use co-occurrence matrices (2 nd order
statistics) considering the spectral as well as the spatial
distribution of the image grey values. Based on the utilization of
these matrices, Steinnocher (1997) developed a method in order
to demarcate settlement structures from other landuses, which
tries to make the calculated texture feature images independent
from directional influences within the image.
Sindhuber and Jansa (1998) apply the Forstner operator in order
to distinguish between point features, significant edges and
homogenous areas, combine the results with a modified
multispectral classification and a thresholding and achieve a
classification accuracy of more than 90 %. Initiated by the
Centre of Earth Observation (CEO) within the ATLAS-project,
a multiple step procedure for classifying urban areas applied on
IRS-1C data (test area: Berlin) has been developed (see web-site
of VRS GmbH, Leipzig: www.kayser-threde/vrs/vrs.htm). Two
additional texture channels were calculated using a
morphological filter as well as a variance filter with a 3x3
window. Within the following segmentation process, the local
contrast for each pixel is calculated and a watershed
segmentation is carried out. The obtained results are integrated
in an unsupervised classification.
Busch (1998) describes a method by means of which built-up
areas are extracted using the high spatial density of short linear
features in panchromatic satellite images. Built-up and non-
built-up areas are separated by a threshold, estimated from the
calculated feature density in training sites stored in an existing
GIS. Dowman (1998) reports on the ARCHANGEL project,
which aims at developing a system for automatic registration of
satellite data to maps. Within this project, segmentation
algorithms have been developed, tested and integrated in the
environment XPECT.
3.1. Used and Tested Fusion Techniques
Pixel-by-pixel image fusion aims at producing image products
that are better suited for a given interpretation task. Spatial
resolution and colour rendition play a decisive part in this.
Without sacrificing the colour information required for object
interpretation, high spatial resolution can be achieved by
combining high resolution panchromatic images with
multispectral ones. Important colour composites are real-colour
and infrared representations (the latter particularly so for
assessments of vegetation).
Two different requests are usually pursued with the fusion of
satellite imagery. On the one hand, it can be the improvement of
the visual ability to interpret the image data. Here, the focus is
primarily on the geometrical structural image characteristics. On
the other hand, the goal can be the maximum preservation of the
spectral information and thus, the maximum agreement of the
fusion product with the original multispectral images. It was
shown that a maximum preservation of both described image
characteristics is only hardly possible (de Bethune et al., 1998).
Nevertheless, methods are being tested, which ensure the
optimal preservation of the spectral and the geometri
cal-structural information in the synthetic fused image (Raptis et
al., 1998). A further important aspect is achieving a good
spectral and spatial quality of the fusion product for different
landcover types and applications, and different possible spectral
channels (Zhang and Albertz, 1998). This target is also pursued
in this investigation using selected methods for fusion of IRS-C
images. The stability of the procedures is checked by the use of
different test areas. The produced fused images are compared
visually and statistically regarding their spatial and spectral
Among the various methods for fusion of multispectral with
panchromatic satellite data described in the literature, some
classical and some latest techniques were selected and checked
whether they were suitable for the given objective using IRS-1C
data. The RGB to IHS color space transformation (IHS), the
transformation procedure by means of principal component
analysis (PCA) and the Brovey fusion method (B) belong to the
classical fusion methods. 'Local Mean and Variance Matching’
(LMM and LMVM) and high-pass filter techniques (HPF) (de
Bethune et al., 1998) belong to the latest techniques.
Table 1. Used and tested fusion techniques.
Image fusion
Fusion by means of RGB to IHS color
space transformation
Modified RGB to IHS color space
transformation (Carper et al., 1990)
Fusion bv principal component analysis
Fusion using arithmetic combination of
Fusion by means of local mean
Fusion by means of local mean and
standard deviation
Fusion by means of high-pass filtering
3.2. Visual Control
The following conclusions can be drawn after a visual
comparison of the tested fusion techniques:
- The PC technique, and to a certain extent also the IHS
technique, strongly depend on the spectral overlap of the
original data. This overlap is not given with the IRS sensor
due to the spectral band positions (NIR, Red, Green). Thus,