Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

Dedicated Server 
means, workload of different data server can be managed 
The model can be illustrated in the diagram below: 
hi this model, textual data server and spatial data server will be 
kept in separate places (can be logically or physically). Which 
Based on access partition 
Those two architectures will be described briefly. 
Access partition is necessary if the GIS Database is very large. 
An alternative solution to handle this is to make several access 
servers in several logical or physical server. Then, there is 
problem arise. One of them is in what order the access should 
be managed. There are two kinds of architectures on this kinds 
of access management. That is: 
1. DNS Round Robin 
2. Gateway Agent 
In this kind of access management, the access will be managed 
in the order of circular queue of its DNS’. For example if there 
are 3 servers, the access will be managed in 1 -2-3-and back to 1 
again, and so on. This is the simplest multi-server access 
management configuration. 
The process, is as described below: 
Web Server Computer 
HTTP Server 
GIS Software 
HTTP Server 
GIS Software 

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