Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

Training course process comprise of theoretical remote sensing 
and geographical information system, and computer practical 
work and field surveying. The training courses need 8 hours 30 
minute effectively per day included pause and lunches time. 
Total time needed for theoretical materials is about 20 hours 20 
minute, 34 hours 40 minute for practical work and 57 hours 30 
minute for reporting. 
The training course model for theory as student-lecturer 
relationship in the class. The communication interactively 
between the two parts can be perform cause a good transfer of 
knowledge. The aim of the training course; the participants 
would know the concept of remote sensing and be able to 
operate some digital processing facilities. Usually the 
participants are graduated from some various universities with 
different major (from exact to inexact division). So can be 
imagine how to transfer the training course materials that full of 
mathematics terms to the participants. They need some extra 
special effort in the studying process to accomplish the training 
course aims. 
Training course model in practical works, the 
participants should be able to run some software packed like 
corrections, transformations, digital classification, and adding 
vector data into raster data, so can emerge some information 
that participants see and translate the meanings behind the given 
spatial and non spatial data. 
Beside the processing works, the participants should 
be able to operate GPS receivers to know the positions and then 
also can make polygons in image classification process, because 
sample data can be insert into ER-Mapper for supervised 
The participants are also trained how to operate digitizers, to 
receive vector data from maps as secondary data that are used as 
auxiliary data to geographic information system. 
Evaluation to the participants ability during the training course, 
would be performs three times, final test that comprise of 
written final test, written report and seminar. 
The written final test are performs in the check points test and 
filling test. The test include 45 problems, if a participant choose 
right in the check point he will get +1, if he pick the wrong one 
he will get -1 point. And if the participant fills a right one in the 
filling problems he will get +5. 
The form of the research report, similar to student's thesis, it 
will be divided into five chapters. Chapter I Introduction, 
Chapter II Remote Sensing and Geographies Information 
System Theory, Chapter III Case Study in the training course 
theory, Chapter IV Analysis, and Chapter V The Conclusion. 
In the seminar, the participants that are divided into some 
groups report their case study results after surveying and 
processing their study objects. The seminar, monitor by their 
trainers, eye witnessed by the others, and some special guesses. 
The three components are the base of participant graduation. 
The evaluation is very important for the participants in the 
future, for instant, in BPPIT the best five from the final 
evaluation will be promote to the next higher education. 
The chance in remote sensing and geographical Information 
system still wide open for either central governmental 
institution or private company and individual person. It is 
shown in many inquiry letters and interest of the participants in 
the developments of satellite data performance in some 
applications such as rice plant growth monitoring in Java, corral 
monitoring in entire Indonesia. 
The scientific diversity of the participants corresponds with the 
materials should be normalize and standardized in the 
matriculation class before the training course begin. To make 
the various specialization become a synergy need some 
conditions to be examined and done before participate in the 
The balance between theory and practical work in the training 
can make more successfully participation. 
> 1999, Personal Communication to Steering 
Committee of Last RS Training Course LAPAN- 
BPPT 1998, Jakarta 
Anonymous, 1993, LAP AN Organization Structure, 
Information and Documentation Center LAPAN, 
Anonymous, 1997, Remote Sensing and Geographic 
Information System Training Course Text Book, 
Kartasasmita, Mahdi, et. All, 1998. Introduction to Remote 
Sensing Technology and Aplications & Geographic 
Information System, The Office of The Deputy 
Chairman of LAPAN on Remote Sensing Affair, 

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