International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 6. Bandung-lndonesia 1999
Dr.T.Lukman Aziz
President ISPRS Technical Commission VI- Education and Communication (1996 - 2000)
Lecturer - Department of Geodetic Engineering, The Institute of Technology - Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132 - Indonesia
Key Words: Information Technology, Education and challenge
Computers have been with us for at least 50 years now; Telecommunications for over 100 years while broadcasting techniques have
been around for most of this century. The combined functionality of these three technological streams is now embraced by the term
of 'information technology' or IT. The advantages of the use of IT in education are many although to some extent the limitations
applying this technology are also occurred. This paper presents discussed some impacts of IT in the education. Special reference is
made to the situation in Indonesia.
Access to information has become a key issue in 90's and will
remains the same in the near future. On the other hand, there are
a number of opportunities arising when the computer
technology, communications system, and TV technology are
combines. The combined functionality of these three
technological streams is now embraced by the term of
'information technology' or IT. Organisations have used
computers for administration, for purchasing, sales and many
other purposes. The technical (IT) staff are employed to service
the need of their own organisation, management and colleagues.
In general we all knew that the use of IT is to support
organisational strategies, goals, and processes.
In education the potential advantages of the use of IT are many.
IT may replace some lectures, laboratories and tutorials of the
old days. It is also providing resources for learning. The
learning process will then be more effective, richer, available
for extended hours, and opens to a wider range of student.
Students will have greater control over timing and pace, and
there will be more likelihood of resources suiting the style and
stage of each student learning.
From discipline point of view we all aware that most disciplines
within the mapping profession, include photogrammetry and
remote sensing, are being subjected to rapid changes due to
advances in technology. The change may bring some impacts in
education system and this includes education in
photogrammetry and remote.
1. IT for Education
Whether we like it or not the IT such as Internet will play an
important role in education. In certain situation IT can probably
be more effective than any other media can, for example in
dynamic graph drawing. With lectures, students need to absorb
material at fixed rate, or make good notes. Note should be made
that when it comes to a real implementation both students and
their lecturers need to be trained in IT. In addition, both
organisation and government are also necessary to learn how to
make wise investments in IT for education. Before IT come to
the picture, computer Aided Learning (CAL) has been proved to
use at the student’s optimum pace. CAL is more accessible, and
offers more opportunity for practise on a computer, than in
textbooks and lectures.
The IT can make teaching and learning more effective and
efficient, but we need to invest in its physical and organisational
infrastructure, in how to use it, and in integrating IT into the
student learning. This includes distance education, distance
training and materials as well as distance courses. In this regard
all activities will be conducted more flexible and effective
(McDougall & Dowling, 1996). Furthermore, because IT is so
powerful, it can be used at all level of education and training. IT
is also good to drill and to practise, to replace material covered
poorly in crowded tutorials, or on an illustrated lecture to
improve visual communication. With lectures, students need to
absorb material at fix rate, or make good notes. The students
being educated in IT is expecting to make full use of productive
tools such as (Doughty, 1996):
/ numerical processing spreadsheet & statistics
/ programming
■/ word processing
/ graphic design
/ database analysis & management
/ desktop publishing &presentations
V electronic mail and file transfer
■/ conferencing
•/ gateway to information & data banks
/ The Internet and the World Wide Web.
IT can also provide powerful aids to all students in many
different ways. For example:
/ guide & aid
/ tutorial
/ simulation
/ modelling
/ visualisation
■/ animation
/ interactive multimedia
/ problem solving
J etc.