Full text: Sharing and cooperation in geo-information technology

Internet environment in educational institutions is still 
• There is no clear definitive idea on how to introduce the 
movement of information of the information society into 
In addition, it can be perceived that the Internet challenges for 
education are: 
• The provision of industry based courses that allow students 
to progress via well defined, efficient and highly 
articulated educational model. 
• the greater use of technology to improve the quality of 
courses and enhance the flexible delivery of materials, and 
• The development strategies to ensure the economic 
viability of IT for education operations. 
4. Some Constraints to Utilised IT for Education in 
The general constraint to utilised IT for education in Indonesia 
is imbalance between the need and availability of people with 
IT knowledge. Computer hardware and software also suffering 
from shortages of IT personnel, spotty intellectual property 
protection, and constrains on foreign investment in the 
distribution service sector. 
Lack of appropriate experience and knowledge, teaching 
materials and inadequate basic method of teaching through IT 
may cause some problems how to fit the IT in education system. 
Along with insufficient numbers of teaching staff who 
understand IT, education institutions also suffer from the lack of 
equipment, problem of bandwidth and server, financial support 
as well as networks. On the other hand the lecturers have their 
own reasons not to apply IT, i.e.: 
• lack of time, 
• lack of support staff, 
• lack of information, and 
• lack of suitable materials 
Observation made by Doughty (1996) is relevant to be put as 
the point of consideration. He observes that attitudes of the 
teachers often contain objections. These are "computers will 
never be more effective than lectures" or "we can't give up 
laboratory space for computers" or "the student will always 
learn, whatever we try to teach" or "we need to enhance our 
research reputation, not spend on teaching". 
In this regard, the IT advocate must accommodate the many 
views that all person responsible in teaching hold on what is 
important in the teaching and learning process. From 
Indonesian point of view, it is clear that Indonesia is not too 
advanced in the IT. Nevertheless, some progress has been made 
to incorporate IT in the teaching purposes. 
5. Conclusion 
The globalisation of education is now providing the ability for 
disciplines such as remote sensing to operate on a sound 
economic footing. However, with regard to IT strategies to 
strengthen offering may have to be considered. There are so 
many implications and impacts come to pass, either in human or 
organisational terms. To educational economists the evaluation 
of costs and benefits of education must include all costs and all 
benefits to the whole society. 
6. Literature 
Chan, Tai On and Williamson, Ian P (1996): The 
Complementary Development of GIS and Information 
Technology within a Government Organisation, 37th 
Australian Surveyors Congress, 13-119 April 1996, 
Perth, Western Australia. 
Doughty, Gordon (1996): IT in Education and Education in IT, 
International Conference on Ensuring National 
Competitiveness in the Information Economy, The 
Ministry of Tourism Post and Telecommunication, 24 
- 26 April 1996, Jakarta. 
Gingerich, Duane J (1996): Legal Framework of an 
Information-Intensive Economy, International 
Conference on Ensuring National Competitiveness in 
the Information Economy, The Ministry of Tourism 
Post and Telecommunication, 24 - 26 April 1996, 
Ismail Fahmi, Onno W.Purbo, Mahmudin, Nanan Hasanah, 
Studiati Suwandi (1999): Library Network in 
Indonesia, Internet Workshop '99, Proceeding, 18 - 
20 February 1999, Osaka University, Suita Campus, 
Osaka, Japan. 
McDougall, Kevin & Dowling, David (1996): Education, 
Communication & Integration: A look at the future of 
Distance Education in Surveying, 37 th Australian 
Surveyors Congress, 13-119 April 1996, Perth, 
Western Australia. 
Miyazawa, Kazuo, Satinder P.Gill, Hisao Nojima (1999): The 
influence of the Internet on Japanese Education: 
Case of the 100 Schools Networking Project, Internet 
Workshop '99, Proceeding, 18-20 February 1999, 
Osaka University, Suita Campus, Osaka, Japan.

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