Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

Cl PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
5. giving geographic coordinates of monuments obtained by 
digitizing and comparing 5 their features on Regional Technical 
Cartography (CTR, Orthophoto “IT2000 at scale 1:10000) and, 
especially for historical urban centres,” on other bigger scale 
cartographies (scale 1:2000, ...); 
6. beginning to build up draft guide line and specification due 
to support the work of the operators of the georeferentiation 
campaigns on the territory, Province by Province: Guide lines 
are usefully considering that the informatic level and 
carthografic skill of the base user-operator will be quite low, 
since they are expert in cataloguing cultural heritage; 
7. developing system of User Friendly procedures to guarantee 
an amusing degree of suitability to the low level application: for 
this matter it has been supposed some phases (Phase A, B, C, D, 
E) delegated to the base user operator and some other managed 
- after the base collection data - by the system Administrator of 
the Cultural Heritage SIT (Phase F, G, ...)• 
2. Design of the GEODATABASE 
A starting point is the design and georeferencing of a sample 
objects based on GIS technology constructed on a sample of 
some 1000 protected objects, with different characteristics and 
distributed all over in different context in order to compare 
different methodologies, testing technologies, and to evaluate 
also time and costs of localizing and identifying work. 
In this sample, it has already faced and experimented on the 
following topics: 
design of a GEODA TABASE; 
lists: logical arrangements of the structure of the archives 
(Background information OBJECT, data updating, 
Background information Hierarchy, ...); 
sequences and procedures of different operative phases; 
proposal of different case of georeferencing condition in 
function of the different maps (raster-vector) referring to 
the support map in the different municipalities (CTR and 
IT2000 1:10000, CTC 1:2000, cadastral map sheets,...), as 
a basis for digitalization and georeferencing the objects; it 
has been made different level hypotheses in order to 
guarantee an homogeneous output data at the regional 
scale but improving the quality of representing Manu facts 
obtained by detailed scale in case of availability of large 
scale cartography; 
identification of the different operative phase of work; 
identification of different levels of georeferencing: 
- BASE Georeferencing Level: 
1. Level 1 - POINT georeferencing (rapid); 
2. Level II - AREA georeferencing. 
1. Is - Punctual Structuring; 
2. I Is - Areal Structuring. 
The research has allowed us to identify some specific 
certainties such as the use of laser scanning, palm GPS, 
assessment of the different available cartographies, design of 
the georeferenced data on different levels, all of which need 
deeper investigation and validation. . 
Therefore, we can see how the research must centre on 
definition of the georeferencing methodologies of the cultural 
objects, definition of specific techniques still to verify in order 
to reach a proposal of a "typical" specifications and finally, 
testing criteria for the system constructed. 
Three the lines of research that combine on different levels and 
scales along the common support structure of the Map of Risk, 
involving a complex interlacing of survey, representation and 
GIS problems and aspects. 
All three have a marked theoretical-methodological nature, a 
common need of experimentation on the field, and a strongly 
applicative value in terms of on-field-validation of the 
hypothesised methodologies. A need shared by all three is to 
identify appropriate test areas to set up with the local authorities 
and other Organizations. 
L The first involves georeferencing, design and construction of 
a GIS to support the Risk Map of Cultural Heritage, starting 
with sketching an outline on a set of file-cards based on 
standards developed by the ICR (Central Institute for 
Restoration) and on different cartographic and information 
bases (geographic and database). 
2. The second involves generating advanced 2D-3D models and 
complex raster/vector surfaces for the "at risk" cultural objects 
and contexts to support identification and definition of 
parameters of vulnerability, scheduled maintenance and , 
preservation, routine on-site work. 
3. The third deals with testing and experimenting new 
technologies (GPS palm System, laser scanner, ...) and 
expeditious systems of data acquisition, identifying appropriate 
filed of apply: perhaps laser scanner technology, even 
metrically reliable and quickly, still reveal many unresolved 
problems in the modelling phases and processing the point 
clouds which must be faced. 
4. At last, implementing 6 WEB GIS agile access, consultation, 
distribution and transferring of GEODATABASE remote 
located. Only in this way this information become really 
available to professionals, operators, specialists, local 
authorities and government departments as well as citizens 
involved in protection efforts. 
2.1 GEODATABASE structuring: Operative Working 
All the procedures described has been organized in different 
Phases (A, B, C, D, E, F) of work to be made by different 
operator who will make the cataloguing and georeferentiation 
of the Cultural Heritage Province by Province. 
Phase A. Inspection and survey of the data on-site. It has 
to be carried out to update the catalogue and the archives 
related and to locate heritage: circumscribing on map the 
perimeter of the monuments (in case of Level II) or simple 
locating Point (approssimatively the centroid if it’s inside 
the object) in case of Level I; 
Phase B. Definition of digitalization operations and 
georeferencing: it has been treated, among all, verification 
of the procedures and information. Geometric condition of 
congruence, accuracy prescriptions, referred to the map 
tolerance, and outlining in the digitalization phase. Auto 
consistency polygon, adjacency conditions. Automatic 
generalisation to progressively smaller scales (from 1:2000 
to 1:10000, from 1:10000 to 1:25000,....). 
Phase C. Editing DBASE (Name, ID_BENE code number 
assigned, Typology, Address updating, Maps, ...). 
Phase D. Filing the photographic documentation and 
integration into the GIS. 
Phase E Automatic extraction of Gauss Boaga (E,N), 
national cartographic coordinates, of the Point or of the 
centroid in case of Polyg .

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