C. Guney, M. Duman, K. Uylu, A. Avci, R. N.Celik 148
Multimedia Supported GIS on Internet (Case Study: Two Ottoman Fortresses and a Cemetery on the
S. Reis, R. Nisanci, V. Yildirim, H. I. Inan, T. Yomralioglu 151
An Immovable Historical Asset Information System Design and Application: A Case Study of
O. Akcay, M. O. Altan 157
Design of Tourist Information System (TIS) and Integration with Panoramic Imaging
M. Altan, T. Sivas, F. Alanyali F. Gökce, C. Ay day 161
A Preliminary Application and Proposal for Cultural Heritage Network of Western Anatolia by Using
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Z. V. Pushchina, U. P. Litvinenko 166
Geoinformation System the Protection of Russian Historical Cultural Heritage on the Example of
Sverdlovks Oblast
L. Bornaz, S. Dequal 169
A New Concept: The Solid Image
H. Rüther, G. Mtalo, E. Mngumi 175
Data Structures for 3D Modelling of Heritage Sites in Africa. A Case Study in the World Heritage Site
of Kilwa Kisiwane, Tanzania