CIPA 2003 XIX 11 ' International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
2. To design a specific database management
system so that all collected data from
archaeological places can be put into same
formats. By this way the data which are
dispersed in different museums, libraries,
universities and archaeological instituions can
be assembled in one and unique database
format. This database also can be reached
through the internet. As a result people can
make use of this information for different
3. To give rise to the correct determination for
construction areas planning and infrastructure
4. To help educating future generations about
world cultural heritage and to inform tourists
which are coming to these lands both through
the internet and mobile applications.
In order to have a very clear view the preliminary proto
type study designed by in layers. Since the historical
treasures are countless in these targeted areas it has
focused to the era of B.C. 1200 - A.C. 395. The targeted
areas was Western Anatolia (Thrakia, Bithynia, Mysia,
Troas, Aiolia, Ionia, Caria, Lykia, Pisidia, Pamphilya,
Lydia, Phyrigia) (Sevin, 2001)(Figure 2).
Figure 2. The target areas on the Western Anatolia.
There are five different sources of data format such as
raster format (pictures, photographs, satellite images,
aerial photographs and maps), vector format (digitized
CAD files), text files (Word, Excel, Access), multimedia
format (animations, 3D modelling, Macromedia
Shockwave Flash animations), audio-visual formats ( avi,
movie, mpeg, cdi etc). There is no doubt that these five
different formats for digitilization and interactive
publishing becomes difficult to handle. This brings us a
conclusion that we need a Cultural Heritage
Information Management System (CHIMS) in order to
keep all information orderly and integrated. Our project
will employ all these mentioned technologies in such a
harmony that each technology will support others’
findings, the outcomes of each technology will be in
compliance with each other. At the end, all these different
technologies will be integrated in one web site.
Moreover, the outcomes of this project will also be used
as a content for educational CD-ROM and mobile
Before we go on to explain the methodology of the
project we need make one point very clear. Since this
project concentrated on many different areas and serves
as an integrator among these different areas for unique
and simple format our team must have a very good
project management system within itself. Moreover there
are many project teams in different areas functioning
independently but the project management team must
follow everything at the same time, properly and in a
unique format. Thus, our team design a special web based
project management system specific to this projects
If we briefly explain the methodology of CHIMS.
5.1 Archaeological data collection
Archaeological data collection which is the foundation of
the project will be done in two different methods. These
are Library Office Study and Area Study. The parameters
such as historical developments, geographical conditions,
research history, ancient settlements (cities) etc. will be
reached through library office work. Sub parameters will
be organized according to these main parameters. By area
study photographs, videos, animations, satellite and aerial
photographs, geographical coordinates will be prepared
from the archaeological excavations and ancient cities.
The data collected from the targeted areas using by these
two different methods will be integrated finally.
5.2 Database Modeling
Database modeling is the basis for the systematic of the
project. During this process, archaeologists, database,
GIS and web based application experts are going to
cooperate all together to form the database. Database
modeling is an architecture specifically designed to
organize all the data coming from different resources and
also different technologies in a very organised and
comprehensive way to form a superposed solution at the
end. Archaeological map of the studied area was
vectorized and prepared for GIS application and then
joined with the related database.
5.3 Global Positioning System (GPS) and Remote
Sensing Studies
Global Positioning System studies enables accurate
geographical location of data through satellites. By
Remote Sensing technology, archaeological places are
tracked and any changes in the surrounding will be
realised when occurred which will help us to protect this
environment. Satellite images are going to be used as a
part of this process as a based map (Figure 3). In addition
to ordinary satellite data, high resolution satellite images
(Figure 4) and aerial photographs (Figure 5) of the
interested areas will be used in the project. Also
registration and vectorization of existing local maps are
essential part of the project. There are more than 5.000
1:25.000 scale maps existing in Turkey, some of these