CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
An inexpensive and robust 3D model acquisition system
which is suitable for acquiring the 3D models of small ar
tifacts such as such as cups, trinkets, jugs and statues, is de
scribed. Image acquisition system consists of a turn table,
a digital camera and a computer. Objects are placed on the
turn table, and their images are acquired by rotating the ta
ble. Having calibrated the image sequence, a coarse model
is reconstructed by silhouette-based approach in which sil
houettes of the objects in the images are back projected to
an open cone volume in the 3D space and these open vol
umes are intersected to find the space of the object in space.
This coarse volume is further carved in order to get rid of
excess volume on the concave parts. The surface appear
ance for model is also recovered from the acquired images.
To guarantee the continuity on the surface appearance, the
concept of particles is successfully adopted in order to con
struct the proper texture map.
The algorithms in the framework of our system are fast
and robust in removing the illumination artifacts due to
image acquisition; reconstructing the objects with holes
and arbitrary shapes; detecting and removing concavities.
Thus, proposed system is very suitable for generating 3D
models of small artifacts with high resolution geometry
and surface appearance. Such artifacts may have handles,
holes, concavities, cracks, etc. The models obtained by
this method are stored in VRML format which enables the
transmission and publishing of the models easier.
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