Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
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mapping. One of the primary goals in designing VRML was 
to ensure that it at least succeeded as an effective 3D file 
interchange format. Moreover, VRML can be considered as a 
3D analog to HTML. This means that VRML serves as a 
simple, multiplatform language for publishing 3D Web 
pages. This is motivated by the fact that some information is 
best experienced three dimensionally, such as games, 
engineering and scientific visualizations, educational 
experiences, and architecture. Typically these types of 
projects require intensive interaction, animation, and user 
participation and exploration beyond what is capable with a 
page-, text-, or image-based format (i.e., HTML). VRML 
provides the technology that integrates three dimensions, two 
dimensions, text, and multimedia into a coherent model. 
When these media types are combined with scripting 
languages and Internet capabilities, an entirely new genre of 
interactive applications are possible. 
In 1997 a community of programmers, engineers, graphers 
founded the VAG (VRML Architecture Group) in order to 
extend the capabilities of the previous VRML version (1.0), 
which feautured several properties of the Inventor File 
Format, a graphic standard developed by Silicon Graphics. 
The overall goal for the new VRML vs. 2.0 was fairly 
modest: to allow objects in the world to move and to allow 
the user to interact with the objects in the world, allowing the 
creation of more interesting user experiences than those 
created with VRML 1.0. The vs. 2.0 featured following 
1) Composability, it should be relatively easy to take files 
created by various people or tools and compose them 
together to create a new document. This is another 
property that VRML shares with HTML: It is easy to cut 
and paste text from several HTML documents using 
either a generic text editor or a specialized editing tool, 
just as it is easy to cut and paste objects between VRML 
2) Scalability, is a constraint on the VRML 2.0 design. 
VRML is designed to scale in three ways. First, it should 
be theoretically possible for a VRML browser to handle 
a world distributed across the Internet that contains 
millions or billions of objects. Second, VRML should 
work well when used with both very powerful and very 
inexpensive machines, allowing the VRML browser to 
trade off image or simulation quality for improved 
performance and to scale well with increased hardware 
performance. And third, VRML worlds should scale 
with network performance, from the 14.4K modems that 
are common today to multigigabit connections that 
might become common in the future. 
3) Extensibility, the language should allow the developer to 
add functionalities, like new geometric primitives, for 
The VRML format allows, therefore, to create 3D 
environments, ensuring basic properties like full web access 
to the model and platform independence: only a suitable 
viewer is needed, capable to interpret the VRML files. 
Such interactive technology can be profitably employed in 
different application fields, like for example the virtual visit 
of a museum or even of a whole city (cybercity). E- 
Commerce is another interesting topic: a consumer could 
virtually explore, in all its parts, the 3D model of the object to 
be purchased, before to move to the shop. More recently, the 
availability of 3D models of cultural heritage elements and 
land infrastructures (like buidlings, churches, bridges, road 
assets, etc.) contributed to increase the use of VRML as a 
mean to share such models through the web. However, the 
interest of the scientific community (medicine, engineering, 
architecture, etc) towards 3D models has revealed in the same 
time some limits of the VRML as interchange file format 
when large data sets, acquired typically by close-range or 
long-range ground-based laser scanners, are used. Major 
disadvantages are the following: 
1) File size. It is not uncommon to manage VRML files of 
hundreds of MBytes; 
2) Input peripherals. Interactive user commands are 
activated through mouse and/or keyboard, which often 
are not the optimal peripherals to navigate in the 3D 
3) Computing resources. A VRML viewer needs often high 
computational performance in order to manage and 
render a complex scene, composed by thousands of 
points or triangles. 
Obviously, a more profitable way to share complex and large 
3D models requires the development of solutions aimed to 
overcome above mentioned issues. 
Beside the VRML language, the structure of the 
browser/viewer has to be considered, as well. Basically, it is a 
software application which is able to display a 3D scene, 
whose content is described in a VRML file. Moreover, a 
specific GUI (Graphical User Interface) is provided to the 
user along with a suited set of commands, allowing to 
navigate the 3D environment. A VRML viewer works 
according to a stratified structure, whose main components 
can be summarized as follows (fig. 1): 
1) Parser. It checks the grammatical and sintactical content 
of the file. If any error is encountered, the file is 
2) World loader, which deals with the loading of all 
elements, like textures, sounds and scripts, required to 
display correctly the virtual world content; 
3) World manager, whose task entails with the loading in 
the system memory of the representation of the virtual 
scene. Furthermore some basic components of the scene 
have to be tracked, like object positions, position and 
orientation of the eye-point, position and properties of 
light sources, object materials and the viewing volume. 
The world manager can be considered as the analog of 
the graphical engine used for the 3D models processing; 
4) World renderer, which works together with the world 
manager to correctly display on the user’s monitor the 
content of the VRML file. The renderer checks the scene 
continuously, if any change is detected (displacement of 
the user’s eye-point) the new image to be displayed is 
computed as fast as possible. Of course this task requires 
high computational effort from the user’s hardware, 
which is not always the case. 
Figure 1 : Conceptual framework of a VRML viewer

Note to user

Dear user,

In response to current developments in the web technology used by the Goobi viewer, the software no longer supports your browser.

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Thank you.