Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

Cl P A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
3.1 Methodology of field magnetic observations 
The magnetic survey at the site of Emmaus-Nicopolis have 
been carried out using following equipment: 
• Proton Magnetometer MMP-203 (Era Assoc., Sankt- 
Petersburg, Russia), No. 206033 (it was used for field 
• Quantum Magnetometer MM-60 (Era Assoc., Sankt- 
Petersburg, Russia), No. 207001 (it was used for 
registering temporary magnetic variations at control 
• Kappameter K.T-5 (Scintrex, Canada) for magnetic 
susceptibility measurements. 
Results of archaeological excavations and brief geological 
examination of the areas under study indicate that we have here 
two types of geological associations: soil (0 - 1.5 m) and 
underlying it limestone sometimes exposed at the earth’s 
surface. A few tens performed measurements of magnetic 
susceptibility indicate that limestone is practically non 
magnetic, and soil is characterized by magnetic susceptibility of 
60-100 x 10' 5 SI. 
Detailed magnetic investigations were performed at two 
conjugated areas A and B (Figure 3). Unfortunately, small part 
of area A and significant part of area B have been not covered 
by magnetic survey (see Figure 3) due to zone of very dense 
vegetation (area A) and zone of rugged topography (area B). 
Distance, m 
Figure 3. Location of two investigated areas 
Magnetic sensor level, according to experience of previous 
works (Eppelbaum et al., 2000a, 2000b, 2003), was selected as 
0.5 m above the earth’s surface. Temporary magnetic variations 
were removed using conventional scheme (Telford et al., 1998). 
Maps of the total magnetic fields over the areas A and B are 
presented in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. Mean-square error 
for magnetic observations at the area A was 1.85 nT and at the 
area B - 0.9 nT. 
The most important peculiarity of this survey is that from the 
areas under study has been recently removed an upper part of 
soil (two meter thickness) containing all modern contamination. 
Thus, we can propose that three high-intensive anomalies 
observed at the area A (see Figure 4) and significant anomaly 
revealed at the area B (see Figure 5) are associated with the 
buried ancient remains. 
3.2 Quantitative interpretation of magnetic anomalies 
This stage involves application of methods for quantitative 
interpretation of magnetic anomalies for development of an 
initial physical/archaeological model. The developed methods 
(improved modifications of characteristic point method and 
tangent method are applicable in conditions of the rugged 
terrain topography, arbitrary direction of magnetization of the 
objects and unknown level of the normal magnetic field (Khesin 
et al., 1996). For quantitative interpretation of magnetic 
anomalies due to disturbing objects two geometric models were 
utilized: thin bed (Figures 6, 8 and 9) and horizontal circular 
cylinder (Figure 7). It should be noted that anomaly I (Figure 6) 
has a form close to ideal of theoretical anomaly due to a thin 
bed. By its interpreting was used so-called Reford’s point 
(Reford and Sumner, 1964) showing a projection of the middle 
of anomalous object to the earth’s surface. The disturbed upper 
part of anomaly II was smoothly reconstructed (dash line in 
Figure 7) for the more convenience interpretation. Anomaly III 
is also disturbed by some nearly occurred magnetoactive 
object(s). Anomaly IV of comparatively small intensity is 
registered in the vicinity of the proposed continuation of 
excavated underground tunnel. Determined depth of the upper 
edge of the targets ranges from 0.7 to 1 m. 

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