Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Within the scope of the renovation the Hatuniye Square is 
recommended to go through as a currently active historical area 
and tourist attraction accommodating many unique elements 
where Izmir's urban identity is concerned, it is also suggested 
that the historical fabric of the buildings surrounding the square 
be refined, and the square itself be re-designed by working on 
the floor covering of the streets leading to it, while maintaining 
a unity with the other attractions in terms of plants and other 
elements. For the renovation to be carried out on the façade, it 
will be most suitable to detect those elements and alterations 
which have destroyed the original look and remove them, to 
apply maintenance and re-organization; and functionwise, it will 
be best to allocate the appropriate units for public use. It is 
suggested that these buildings be employed as restaurants, cafés, 
accommodation facilities and souvenir shops. 
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Figure 3 - Hatuniye Square the façade of the 1300 ,h street 
As for re-designing the square, it will be preferable to formulate 
a plan comprizing the improvement of the service facilities of 
the mosque, the burial or transfer of the transformer in the 
square, along with the visual and functional association of the 
park area with the surrounding texture and architectural works. 
One recommendation is to preserve the trees in the square as 
they are, in addition to those to be planted anew. There will be 
sales units, public seating, a sandwich stand, pieces of urban 
furniture and light fixtures. Through the realization of the 
project, the square will become a focus for daily cultural 
1.3 Organizing The Religious Focus 
Regarding the organization of the religious focus, a suggestion 
has been offered as to the improvement of the synagogue 
buildings situated in Havra Street and its surroundings 
symbolizing a cross section of the cultural mosaic of Izmir, as 
well as Kedoçe Synagogue and the area in the middle of Algazi, 
Sinyora and Hevra synagogues located in the sector numbered 
204. Consequently, the importance of the square in terms of 
urban identity, faith tourism and the global Jewish identity will 
be emphasized. 
The recommendations are: 
1. Improvements related with Hevra 
2. Improvements related with Kedoçe 
3. Re-designing the courtyard 
4. Re-designing the building façades in the 
streets surrounding the sector 
The sector numbered 204, which is bordered with Havra Street 
in the south and the side street numbered 927 in the north and 
east, and where the synagogues in question are located, has a 
concentrated religious function. The two synagogues in the 
square, Sinyora and Algazi, are still functioning, whereas the 
other two are in ruins. 
Sinyora Synagogue, which Donna Gracia Mendes, the symbol 
of the 16 th century Sephardic Jews, ordered to be built in the 
same century; was later repaired in 1841 and recently went 
under restoration (Galante, 1960). The Algazi family had Algazi 
Synagogue built in the 18 th century, in the year 1724 to be 
specific. Both synagogues have rectangular plans with their 
tevahs in the middle. Flevra Synagogue was built in the 17 th 
century, and repaired twice in 1838 and 1971. It was heavily 
damaged by the flood a few years ago and the roof was swept 
away during a storm. Recently the synagogue fell in completely 
and is utterly ruined. The building has a central plan and the 
tevah is situated in the middle. Kedo?e (Forasteros) Synagogue 
is a structure of which some of the exterior walls are still erect, 
but the roof has totally disappeared. The synagogue has been 
attached a number of walls in various directions. 
Figure 4 - Kedoçe Synagogue and the suggestion to renovate 
the courtyard 
Photograph 8 - Kedo$e Synagogue and the suggestion to 
renovate the courtyard 
Within the scope of the Kedo§e Synagogue renovation, where 
the building is to be turned into a half-open structure, re 
designing the floor covering and the greens is being considered 
as well as the liberation and conservation of the walls. It is 
therefore suggested that the additional walls and separations be 
picked out, the original entrance which is presently closed be re 
opened, the plasterwork, stone and tile surfaces of the walls be 
cleaned, the finishing of the wall tops be done and saddle 
coping be applied to prevent them from eroding, windows be re 
opened in the walls where they used to be, the missing parts of

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