Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September — 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
analysis in order to spot areas or points where the location 
likelihood of the data is higher than elsewhere. 
During Centuries, almost everyone of these structures have 
undergone many transformations: some of them have 
disappeared, some have remained and some others have been 
preserved as ruins. 
A complete census of the visible leftovers has been carried 
out by means of a direct archaeological survey. 
Figure 11 - Example of an area of maximum likelihood. 
This steps have permitted to pay attention to areas where 
there is a real difference between archive source description 
and present scene and to point out the areas where remote 
sensing, geophysics and excavation can be used to verify or 
disprove the hypothesis coming from the first investigation. 
Photo-interpretation of aerial and high resolution images and 
the multi-spectral analysis using data coming form the 
MIVIS sensor [Ardissone, 2003] allowed a closely 
examination of uncertain selected areas thank to a 
circumstantial research of buried structures, which have been 
pointed out by physical and morphological anomalies of the 
These anomalies and archaeological features will be checked 
on the ground and interpreted; then they will be entered in the 
This surveying techniques, used in such a way, achieve better 
results for predictive and preventive Archaeology. 
This paper shows an example of integration into historical 
and archaeological studies of a three different type of 
research: remote sensing, archive research and field survey. 
We think that an accurate planning of the link between these 
three kind of research thanks to G.I.S. applications can 
provide much more useful and richer information than single 
studies for a characterization of a not yet still present middle 
age landscape. 
But the real object of this project is not only to increase 
knowledge about a not yet still present middle age landscape, 
nor to give a significant aid to historical and archaeological 
Another important role is to spread historical and 
archaeological culture and finally, such an archaeological 
G.I.S., helps local administrations to realize a correct 
environmental management and an accurate safeguard of 
cultural heritage [Agosto, 2003] 
The achieved results demonstrate that a correct 
documentation of a cultural site can be easily performed by 
means of G.I.S. technology and by merging data coming 
from different specialists. 
G. Di Gangi, C.Lebole ( a cura di), La gestione del territorio, 
atti del convegno nazionale, Saluzzo, 2000. 
E. Albery, P.Boccardo, A. Spanò, A new concept GIS for 
archaelogical studies, proceedings of CIPA International 
Symposium, Potsdam, 2001. 
F. Rinaudo, P. Boccardo, A. Spanò, Analisi conoscitiva di un 
assetto territoriale condotta tramite un sii interdisciplinare, 
p.pubblic., in Atti della VI conferenza ASITA, Perugia, 2002. 
T. Bellone, A. Spanò, Valutazione della qualità dei dati in un 
sistema informativo territoriale interdisciplinare, p.pubblic. 
in Atti della VI conferenza ASITA, Perugia, 2002. 
P. Boccardo, F. Giulio Tomolo, A. Spanò, GIS design using 
high geometrie resolution satellite images and hyperspectral 
airborne data, Proceedings of international ISPRS 
Conference, Commission V, WG 4, Corfù, 2002. 
A. Spanò, Progetto e realizzazione di un sistema informativo 
interdisciplinare per l’analisi di un contesto storico 
territoriale, Ph.D. Thesis, 2002 . 
M. Dal Mclin, La tecnologia dei S.I.T. per la documentazione 
e la gestione interdisciplinare di un ambito territoriale: il 
Marchesato di Saluzzo, Dipl. Arch. Thesis, 2002. 
P. Ardissone, P. Boccardo, E. Borgogno Mondino, Digital 
images processing of hyperspectral airborne data: a cultural 
heritage example, Proceedings of CIPA XIX international 
Symposium, Commission V, WG5, Antalya, 2003. 
E. Agosto, A. Cosenza, F. Rinaudo, The "Marchesato di 
Saluzzo ” project: an OpenSource based Web/GIS for 
historical and cultural research, conservation and 
valorization, Proceedings of CIPA XIX international 
Symposium, Commission V, WG5, Antalya, 2003. 
The research has been financed by Italian Ministry of 
Education, University and Research (MIUR) project 
PRIN2002 (Nat. Resp. Prof. Carlo Monti) and co-financed by 
MARCOVALDO cultural association. The project has been 
directed by Prof. Chiara Lebole and Dr. Giorgio Di Gangi.

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