Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIRA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Because of the processing limitations caused by the hard- and 
software which have been mentioned above, the 3D model of 
the whole cenotaph structure will remain relatively coarse as 
compared to the relief models. The 2 mm sampling as well as 
the poorer accuracy of the 3D points result in a good geometric 
model for the whole structure; detail resolution and neighbor 
hood accuracy are not satisfactory, however. The procedures to 
be carried out are much the same as described for the high 
resolution model (section 4.1). A combination of all scanned 
and meshed information is not possible presently. There is little 
doubt that this can be accomplished in the near future. 
Fig. 7: Detail of figure 6. Scale about 1:1 
Results of the documentation project are presented in figures 4 
through 8. The full value of the data can only be judged when 
evaluated in 3D on a computer monitor, however. 3D scanning 
yields results that have not been possible in the past for objects 
with extensive and complicated 3D surfaces as in the case of the 
cenotaph and the associated reliefs. Photogrammetric matching 
methods to achieve a digital object model do not work in this 
case as the white marble reliefs do not show enough texture. 
Orthophotos or line drawings from stereo pairs can be useful for 
some purposes but do not contain the information for the 
creation of a complete virtual (or real) model. 
The processing of the laser scanner data is very time- 
consuming, however, when high model quality is aimed at. 
Presently, it also suffers from many restrictions. Even with the 
latest computers and software products, certain processing steps 
are only possible when the number of meshed triangles is less 
than some millions. If the development in hard- and software 
continues as rapidly as in the past, these problems should be 
overcome in a few years. Even a combination of laser scanner 
(geometric) and photogrammetric (texture) data may become 
available for such large and complicated objects. Since all the 
original cenotaph data are archived, improved results may be 
created in the future. 
We want to thank Westcam Datentechnik GmbH for the fruitful 
cooperation during the measurement process. Linsinger Ver- 
messung, a private surveying company specializing in cultural 
heritage documentation, did an excellent job performing the 
photogrammetric documentation of the monument. Our 
acknowledgement refers - last not least - to the local authorities 
of Tyrol (Land Tirol, Landesbaudirektion) for the financial 
support and the continuous assistance solving the administrative 
Fig. 8: Same detail as in figure 7, but seen from different angle. 
Geomagic, 2003; Homepage http:/www.geomagic.com 
GOM, 2003; Homepage www.gom.com 
Hanke, Klaus, 2003: Dokumentation des Grabmals Kaiser 
Maximilian I. in der Innsbrucker Hofkirche. In: Chesi, Weinold 
(Hrsg.) “12. Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl 
2003”. Wichmann-Verlag. ISBN 3-87907-401-1 
i3mainz, 2003: 
3D scanning web site: http://scanning.fh-mainz.de 
Marbs, Andreas, 2002: Experiences with laser scanning at 
i3mainz. Proc. of the CIPA WG6 Int. Workshop on scanning for 
cultural heritage recording. 
Mensi, 2003: Homepage www.mensi.com

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