Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
2.2 Analysis of the Man-made (Built) Environment 
The analysis of the man-made / built environment includes two 
sub-headings: (i) the physical analysis and (ii) the functional 
(i) Physical Analysis: 
a. Locational Analysis showing the location of the area 
within the country / region / city / district 
b. Historical Analysis including information on 
physical, social, economical background and structure 
of the concerned area; the historical development, 
changes and growth of the area; when needed the 
morphological development of the area. 
c. Urban Pattern Analysis covering data about the form 
of development; solid-void relations; street pattern; 
urban spaces in terms of their quality, enclosure, 
character, activities; elements of the area such as 
paths, nodes, edges, landmarks and districts; the gap 
sites and vacant plots of land, streets or spaces 
requiring definition or redefinition. • 
d. Architectural Evaluation documenting types of 
architectural details, doors, windows, roof types, 
building forms / heights, materials, etc. 
e. Technical Infrastructure Analysis covers the analysis 
of electricity, sewage system, water supply. 
(ii) Functional Analysis: 
a. Accessibility / Permeability / Traffic Circulation / 
Transportation Analysis covers all modes of 
movement in the area including pedestrian, car, bus, 
etc. and the provision for each of these modes in 
terms of circulation, parking and drop off points 
b. Land use survey providing information about the 
distribution of functions on the concerned area 
concentrating on the ground and upper floor uses 
2.3 Analysis of the Socio-economic Environment 
This analysis provides data regarding the demographic structure 
of the citizens, users of / within the area; the existing economic 
activities and employment pattern; the existing laws and 
regulations; the current local authority/government policies; the 
official and non-official stakeholders in conservation activities. 
All these analysis topics are dealt with varios techniques and 
methods which are summarized in Table 1. 
Beside these analyses through which the physical, functional 
and socio-economic characteristics of the concerned area are 
determined, the analysis should also provide the opportunity for 
the identification of key constraints as well as potential 
opportunities. This is a necessity for a sound basis for the 
strategic conservation planning. For such identification, the 
SWOT analysis method, which is a kind of prerequisite for 
strategic planning should be applied to the area. Accordingly, 
based on the data gathered from the above stated analyses 
methods, the SWOT analysis method, which has recently 
become popular in environmental studies, should be utilized for 
conservation purposes. Since this method is specifically 
developed for strategic planning and borrowed from another 
discipline (management), the authors feel that it should be 
specified in detail for further discussion on the analysis stage of 
strategic conservation planning. 
The SWOT analysis approach, a derivative of the Harvard 
policy model (also referred to as the “design school model”; 
Mintzberg 1994, pp. 36-39) seeks to address the question of 
strategy formation from a two-fold perspective: from an 
external appraisal (of threats and opportunities in an 
environment) and from an internal appraisal (of strengths and 
weaknesses in an organization). 
However, this clear distinction between internal and external 
conditions is more difficult to apply when assessing the 
potential part of the physical world such as a city district, or a 
historic urban quarter. Moughtin (1999) argues that, the 
analysis in strict management terms could be applied to an 
organization contemplating a particular intervention in the real 
world estate but not necessarily in quite the same way for the 
potential of real estate itself. According to Moughtin (1999), 
many of the threats facing an inner city area or the opportunities 
it presents could be considered to be internal to the physical 
structure being investigated. 
As again stated by Moughtin (1999), there is clearly an overlap 
between all four analytical categories. A weakness, for example, 
can be viewed in a more positive light as an opportunity, while 
in some instances strength in one area when viewed from a 
different perspective can appear as the source of weakness. 
Nevertheless, the structure imposed by the listing and 
categorizing of aspects and qualities of the project site, or the 
working area / district, under these four broad headings does 
assist in formulating possible strategies for intervention. 
Within the regional development environment, the SWOT 
instrument is intended to highlight those dominant and 
determining factors, both within and outside of the territory in 
question, which are likely to influence the success of the 
project, as well as to produce relevant strategic guidelines by 
linking the project to its environment. (European Commission 
The completion of the analysis can also form the basis for 
questioning the assumptions underlying project goals and 
objectives. The SWOT analysis can, therefore, assist in the 
clearer definition of the design brief and point the way to design 
solutions (Moughtin, 1999). 
The SWOT analysis, when used in a matrix form, as introduced 
by Moughtin (1999), is a powerful tool for dissecting the 
properties and potential of an urban area. If the examination of 
the data is structured as shown in Table 2, then the strengths 
and weaknesses of a number of the main aspects of life in a 
study area can be addressed and analysed. The properties and 
potential of the study site or city district can be examined under 
a number of broad headings or factors - such as physical 
properties and aesthetic qualities of the built environment in the 
study area; the natural environment which would include fauna, 
flora, air, water and pollution; and finally the social and 
economic conditions in the area, including political and 
administrative issues. Using such a matrix, it is possible to 
examine the strengths and weaknesses of the study area in terms 
of the factors listed in the matrix, as well as working 
horizontally along a line of the matrix, to examine any 
particular factor for its strength, weakness, opportunities for its 
development and the potential threat it faces.

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