CI PA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
control points acquired by topographic survey and from the
couples of homologous points separately located on the
different images.
S.Caterine’s church
The Figure n.2 shows the first model images used with the
location of the over 1000 homologous points.
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Figure n.2 The homologous points located on the two
The Figure n. 3 shows the three-dimensional raster model,
obtained from the same images used in the plotting phase. It has
been processed with the VRML format, suitable for the Internet
browsers visualization.
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Figure n. 3 The three-dimensional photorealistic model of S.
Catherine’s church.
“Grotte di Castellana”
On the same carsick formation, it has subsequently been
effected the metric survey with total station LEICA TPS 700
(no-prism). They have been individualized, with target placed in
opportune positions, a series of check-points those constitute the
reference scheme for all the subsequent operations.(Fig. n. 4)
Figure n.4 Stalatgmites group with target points.
The photogrammetric survey of the same group of stalagmites
has been effected with the digital camera NIKON D100 (6
Mpixels, f=28mm) to adapt it for the photogrammetric use: they
have been calculated the parameters for its internal orientation.
Subsequently, through the software Photomodeler of the Eos
Sys., that uses the surveyed check-points, their coordinates are
also been attained through the photogrammetric method, as
shown in the following Fig. n.5.