CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Emirgan Grove
Historical Research
Usage: Private use
Plants: Stone Pine (Pinus Pinea), Spruce (Picea), Cedar
(Cedrus), Judas Tree (Cercis), Wisteria (Wisteria),
Magnolia (Magnolia), Horse Chestnut (Aesculus),
Hawthorne (Crataegus), Plane (Platanus)
Buildings: Sari Pavilion, Pembe Pavilion, Beyaz
Existing Conditions
Usage: Public use
It has been bought by the Municipality of Istanbul and
opened to public in 1943.
Continuity and Change
The existing plant material is rehabilitated and
preserved with necessary additions.
Previous private use has changed into public use
The pavilions has been restored to be used as cafe
Classifying Cultural Activity
Cultural activities (concert, exhibition etc.)
The Municipality of Istanbul has been celebrating a
"‘Tulip Festival” in the grove annually.
Hidiv Grove
Historical Research
Usage: Private use
Plants: Linden (Tilia), Horse Chestnut (Aesculus), Pine
(Pinus), Yew (Taxus), Magnolia (Magnolia), Cedar
(Cedrus), Ash (Fraxinus), False Acacia (Robinia), Oak
(Querous), Laurei (Laurus), Judas Tree (Cercis), Plane
Buildings: Hidiv’s Summer Palace
Existing Conditions
Usage: Public use
The summer palace ad the grove had been the property
of Hidiv family for years and was used by them
privately until 1930. The new owner of the property is
The Municipality of Istanbul since 1937. During the
restoration work of the palace in 1982 a maintenance
programme for the grove was also started the grove and
the palace are in good condition today
Continuity and Change
The existing plant material is rehabilitated and
preserved with necessary additions.
Previous private use has changed into public use
The palace has been restored and is used as a restaurant
Classifying Cultural Activity
Cultural activities (concert etc.)
Research is essential before undertaking any protection. The
documentation, maintenance, management of cultural
landscapes requires a detailed research. In this paper, the
documentation stage of protecting cultural landscapes are
focused in order to find informations which help identifying a
landscape’s past and present conditions. Once the
documentation of existing cultural landscapes have been
completed, an appropriate maintenance and management
strategy is in place to develop the landscape’s features,
determine its significance, and place it within the context of
similar landscapes.
In this paper, examples are studied in terms of documentation as
a first step to protect the cultural landscapes. The whole profile
of the Bosphorus cultural landcape can be maintained through a
research covering the whole strait. Such research would help to
improve the sustainable land use and cultural life in the
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