CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Picture 3: Austria - a static view containing all disadvantages of 3D cartography, JOBSTMedia
platform. Based on this first VRML 1.0 standard new
developments completed some multimedia elements and
resulted in VRML 2.0 and VRML 97 versions.
Virtual worlds in VRML may consist of interactivity,
animation, media implementation and texture mapping.
The dynamical development stopped before the new version
GEOVRML was released. In this version it was said that
different geodetic coordinate systems are also taken into
The release of a XML based VRML language called X3D
generated new aspects in object oriented programming and let
us expect an exceptional standard.
The main disadvantages of VRML are the existing problems of
rendering, streaming and synchronisation which lead to a loss
of performance.
VRML needs a Plugin to run in a webbrowser. There is the
possibility that this Plugin is programmed in Java and the user
does not need to install a Plugin, but as a result of the Microsoft
policy the support of Java has to be installed as well.
In opposite to the free available and programmable VRML,
shockwave3d is an appropriate format released by the company
Macromedia in 2001. The programming of an application has to
be done in the authoring software Director, which uses its own
programming language Lingo and is specialised for multimedia
applications. The intention of enabling the 3D was to become a
standard for online gaming. That is why all the needs for a 3D
online game are treated, including streaming, bones animation,
particle systems, physical behaviours, etc. .
The main disadvantages of this format are its dépendance on the
development and policy of the company and the high price for
the authoring software.
For instance the downloadable Plugin was free available a few
years ago. Today the Plugin is only installable via
Macromedias website - a local storage is prevented. Maybe the
Plugin will not be free in future anymore.
The decision for the main platform of the 3D cartographic
multimedia exploration system was not easy. Although the open
source solution VRML has a lot of pro-arguments considering
the free development and programming via text editor, the
proprietary format shockwave3d was the favourite.
The main arguments were the ability of streaming - which is
useful for large file formats and multitasking -, the offer of
several techniques that could be used for symbols, but were not
explored yet - like particle systems - and the included
rendering engines - a software, openGL and directX Tenderer.
Depending on the hardware of the user, the best fitting engine
will be used.
All developed processes in this proprietary language “Lingo”
are going to be documented in away that a transfer to another
language will be possible in future.
4.1GencraI aspects
The characteristic of a cartographic application is the regional
overview showing dependancies of thematical features. For this
small scale views a lot of data in lower quality are used. High
detailed features have to be simplified according to algorithms
of perception and generalisation in this small scales.
The aim of the 3D exploration system is that very high detailed
- large scale - models, coming from photogrammetry or
archaeology, in the foreground are brought together with
smaller scale features and simplified models in the background
of the 3D view. There is the consideration that with this mixture
of scales new discoveries, which were not visible until now, can
be made by experts.
Taking the idea of a free moving camera a step further a
dynamic generalisation has to be introduced. Symbols for
objects have to be created in realtime or read from a database
and streamed into the camera view, while keeping up
In case of 3D building data some fundamental work is done by
the institute for cartography and geoinformatics of the
university Hanover [Thiemann 2002] and the institute for
photogrammetry and cartography of the Bundeswehr university
Munich [Forberg, Mayer 2002].