Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
• New formation Yildirim Beyazit neighborhood social 
• Is housing and neighborhood pattern homogenous or 
A survey was conducted in Yildirim Beyazit Neighborhood 
of the Yildirim district on 220 houses between March-June 
2003 .The Houses were selected in a random way. Interviews 
were done with the head of families. This data is used in the 
statistical analysis to determine the satisfaction of the 
residents (see to figures and tables). 
A) Old Housing Types 
The traditional houses of Anatolia are generally of Hilani and 
megaron types and the same kinds of houses are seen in this 
district. Homes currently being built in rural neighborhoods 
continue to be these types. 
B) Minimum Housing Types 
Minimum housing types are seen in this district, as well as in 
other district of Edirne (Erdogan,1994). These consist of 
houses with no deeds that are constructed on vacant lots and 
fields. These houses resemble to the basic Anatolian house as 
they generally consist of two rooms built around a central 
C) Multi -Floor Apartment Blocks 
The new housing is generally developing without preserving 
the earlier, traditional housing textures due to rapid urban 
development. Thus, traditional homes are quickly 
disappearing and are being replaced by blocks of multi- 
floored apartment buildings. 
5.1 Household Characteristics 
60 % of the household has 4 persons which is the largest ratio 
among the others. 17.2 % of the mothers are 30-40 years old, 
21.8 % 40-50 and 11.8 % 50-60 which are the higher ratio 
than the others. With respect to education of the mothers, 
51.81% has primary school, 8.18 % secondary school 
education. 17.27 % of the mothers is illiterate. 62 % of the 
household have 2 children per family which is the highest 
ratio among the others. Education and occupancy of the 632 
children is expresses as 11.86 % is primary school student, 
10.6% secondary school student, 9.17% primary school 
graduates, 5.69 % secondary school graduates, 8.38 % high- 
school graduates and 37.34 % married and working. The 
educational level of the parents is as follows: Primary school 
graduates are 50.9 %, primary school drop outs are 13.63 %, 
illiterates are 13.18 % and the secondary school graduates are 
5.2 Economic Situation of The Family 
355 persons of the sample population are contributing to the 
income of families from which 52.2 % are fathers and 38.5 % 
are children. Occupation types of the fathers are as follows: 
20.52 % self-employed, 16.93 % farmers, 12.37 % retired 
9.77 % employees and 20.52 % jobless. Occupation of 
mothers is as follows: 56.08 % is house wives, 12.17 % 
farmers and 10.86 % seasonal jobs. 
5.3 Origin of Families and Duration to Stay 
With respect to the origins of the families, 33.52% are 
natives, 32.62 % from Edirne, 7.58% from Greece and 4.37 
% from Kirklareli. Duration to stay in the same house are as 
follows: 16.36 % is 0-5 years, 13.63 % 5-10 years, 12.77 % 
20-25 years, 14.54 % 26-30 years. Location of parents 
changes as follows: 28.3 % is in other neighborhoods of 
Edirne, 28.71 % in the same neighborhood and 16.5 % in 
Greece. Reasons to chose their neighborhood are as follows: 
14.05 % job opportunities, 14.05 % being natives, 12.04 % 
house ownership and 12.04 % marriage. 
5.4 Social Characteristics of the Families and Social 
55 % of families are extended families. Family members are 
as follows: 18.1 % are brides, 15.7 % fathers, 9.4 % brother 
or sister, 12.7 % married children. 68.1 % of the families 
have their relatives in their neighborhoods. With respect to 
best friend location, 32.75 % is next door neighbor, 12.06 % 
in the same building, 19.36 % in front of the door, 5.17 % on 
a different street, 4.13 % relatives. The ratio of families who 
met their friends in their neighborhoods is 86.8 %. 
Frequency of social interactions with their neighbors are as 
follows: 30.48 % with the neighbor in the next door, 17.07 % 
with the neighbor in the front, 10.67 % with relatives ,29.98 
% with the neighbors around and 12.8 % with the neighbors 
in the same building. Frequency of social interactions with 
neighbors is a follows: 33.63 % once a day,19.09 % more 
than once a day, 17.27 % more than once a week, 11.36 % 
whenever they have an occasion, 10.45 % once a week, 4.54 
% other neighborhood. The ratio of the families who have 
contacts with the friend and relatives in other neighborhoods 
of Edirne is 75.9 %. The reasons of social interactions are 
26.8 % visits to relatives, 15.9 % special visits such wedding, 
11.8 % job visits and others. Frequency of visits are 28.14 % 
once a week, 20.95 % more than once a week, 12.57 % once 
a month, 9.58 % more than once a month, 10.17 % seldom, 
8.38 % everyday and 7.18 % often. 76.1 % of the families do 
not dispute with their neighbors. The families who admit that 
they dispute with their neighbors explain the frequency as 
follows: %42 seldom, 31 % once a week, 17 % a couple of 
times in a year, 10% every day. The ratio of friends from the 
same origin is 43.2 %. The distribution of their origin county 
is as follows: 19.2 % from Bulgaria, 16.8 % from Greece and 
10.4 from Istanbul. The ratio of families who have close 
contact with their neighbors is 68.1 %. 
5.5 Social Support 
65 % of the families received help from their neighbors or 
relatives when they moved to this neighborhood. The ratio of 
the families who are aware of new comers is 38.6 %, 45.9 % 
who are unaware, 15.4 % do not have any idea. 27.05% of 
the nevV comers to this neighborhood come from Edirne's 
other neighborhoods. 82.3 % of new comers are from the 
different origin of the natives of the neighborhood which 44.9 
% of people admit that they support each other, 32.2 % do 
not have the same option, 23.6 % some times. They help each 
other. 68.8 % of people admit that they help new comers. 
5.6 Residential Characteristics 
The distribution of the number of room is as follows: 15.9 % 
of the houses have 2 rooms, 41.8 % have 3 rooms, and 33.1 
% have 4 rooms. The satisfaction from the neighborhood is 
69.5 %. Their desired changes in their homes and their 
neighborhoods are as follows: 22.91 % of people want larger 
homes and addition of a kitchen and balcony, 17.33 % want

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