Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Abmayr, T 484 
Achille, C 138, 577 
Acun, S 571 
Agosto, E 181 
Akca, D 55 
Akcay, 0 157 
Alanyali, F 161 
Alby, E 46 
Algostino, F 543 
Alkis, A 496 
Alkis, Z 61,280 
Almazova, N. M 625 
Alondo, J. San José 469 
Alp, L 372, 595 
Altan, M 161 
Allan, M. 0 157, 375, 380, 604 
Altinoz, A. G Bilgin 430, 650 
Andrews, D. P 241 
Ardissone, P 202,446 
Arioglu, N 571 
Arun, E. G 496 
Atalan, N 660 
Atalar, B r. 368 
Atalay, V 286 
Auditore, G 252 
Avci, A 148 
Ayday, C 161 
Aydin, N 660 
Ayhan, E 144 
Bahr, H. P 350 
Balletti, C 252 
Balodimos, D 502 
Barba, L 401 
Barber, D 619 
Barta, M 392 
Basagac, 0 64, 660 
Basaran, U 383 
Baytin, C 748 
Beckett, N. J 241 
Bell, J : 680 
Benoit, F 247 
Beraldin, G. A 81 
Bertocci, S 559 
Binan, C 220, 425 
Biney, F 368 
Boccardo, P 202, 206 
Boehler, W 474, 506, 696 
Boehm, K 506 
Bonora , V 537, 543 
Borg, C 81 
Bornaz, L 169,490 
Botteri, P 344 
Boussahl, M 25 
Bozic, S 577 
Briese, Ch 528 
Brumana, R 138, 577 
Bryan, P 619 
Bur, D 125 
Cabangbang, L 368 
Caboni, B. Pinna 344 
Canciani, M 629 
Cannata, G 629 
Cannataci, J. A 81 
Caprioli, M 702 
Cay, T 725 
Celik, R. N 148, 707 
Celikoyan, T. M 375, 380 
Cete, M 599 
Chiabrando, F 543 
Chromy, R 135 
Ciminale, M 742 
Cliver, B 191 
Clowes, M 241 
Cosenza, A 181 
Csaplovics, E 368 
Daniil, M 99 
Debie, J 247 
Demirei, H 496 
Dequal, S 169, 263 
Devriendt, D 247 
Diekmann, C 368 
Dogru, A. Garagon 131 
Dokmeci, V 765 
Dolansky, T 534 
Donath, D 436, 480 
Doneus, M 451 
Doratli, N 690 
Drap, P 629 
Dueppe, R. D 496 
Dulgerler, O. N 725 
Duman, M 148 
Duran, Z 131, 523, 604 
Durduran, S. ' 725 
Elwazani, S 644 

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