Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI P A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
click of the button. This ease and relatively low cost permits 
high quality standards of documentation to be achieved at all 
levels. From a design and implementation point of view, 
although transparent to a CHDS, the user interface and the 
communications protocols and gateways need to be carefully 
worked out to ensure the ease and cost-effective 
communications that the technology promises to deliver. Knowledge-based systems - While a number of 
conservator-restorers are general practitioners, many are 
increasingly specialised in one area (eg. Metals, glass, 
ceramics, stone, paintings, etc.) or even a sub-set of that area. 
ICT makes it increasingly possible to use knowledge 
engineering to capture the fruits of hard-won experience of 
conservation specialists in any particular field and integrate 
such a knowledge-base into a decision-support system which 
the conservator-restorer may wish to consult on site or within 
the restoration workshop. It follows that one of the e-heritage 
objectives would be to build such “expert systems” to 
consistent quality standards and integrate them into other 
systems in a way which makes them available through mobile 
systems, on-site as well as in the laboratory. Back-end processing - Web-based systems have 
the advantage of presenting a single simple-to-use interface (the 
browser) while the user does not really have to bother at all 
about the computing power required to effect some of the 
billions of transactions on the Web. Whether using the Web to 
click on to Fred’s Garage to check out opening times or to 
Citibank for a complex set of transactions, the nature of the 
computing power lying behind and underneath the application 
is generally transparent to the user. Yet there exist a number of 
design imperatives which need to be respected if the 
conservator-restorer or CHDS need to access complex 
databases handling huge data files and all they may have at 
their disposal is a standard PC. The e-heritage concept must 
take these functional requirements and design objectives into 
account when integrating a single end-user interface approach 
to the other functional requirements within the e-heritage 
family of applications. Project-based management science was once 
the reserve of management consultants attempting to introduce 
culture change in hierarchical pyramids or monolithic 
organisations. To day it is a widely-accepted way of ensuring 
that projects are delivered to specification, on budget, on time. 
Conservation projects are slowly but surely being moved out of 
the realm of never-never land into one where structured 
planning and use of resources is achieved with the help of 
Project Management software. Since conservation projects are 
increasingly tackled by multi-disciplinary teams with members 
who do not necessarily hail from the same institution, an added 
dimension is being added to the conservation project manager’s 
software requirements. It follows that both large-scale 
conservation centres with software requirements that must track 
the passage of a project from one department to another as well 
as SMEs and sole practitioners need extensions to their PC- 
based systems which will enable them to integrate project- 
management functionality within the other e-heritage 
applications and objectives. The relative ubiquity of PCs and the Internet, 
even in developing countries, brings with it a number of 
implications. The advantages described above are therefore 
available to most countries, whatever their stage of 
development. Thus, a large Thealasermetry* survey carried out 
in Jordan may have restitution processing carried out in 
Algeria, Malta and Morocco working in synch. This distributed 
processing capability inherent in e-heritage means that certain 
design criteria may usefully be developed to maximise the 
ability of a CHDS in one country to participate in a 
documentation project being carried out in another country. 
2.1 Economic imperatives, ICT industry & heritage 
2.1.1 Unlike other areas of economic activity, like, say, 
defense technologies, financial services or tourism, the cultural 
heritage sector has never been an attractive commercial 
proposition for the ICT industry and this means that relatively 
very little attention, if any, has been given by the industry to the 
particular ICT needs of the sector. Moreover, since Cultural 
Heritage is very much the poor relation of public funding across 
Europe, individual countries and institutions have been unable 
to put together the investment required to make a quantum leap 
in ICT applications in the sector. 
2.1.2 The economic imperatives and the realities of the ICT 
industry have meant that the promise of an e-heritage scenario 
has remained just that, ie. a promise. The ICT industry will not 
bother to invest in cultural heritage applications with the result 
that most ICT development in the cultural heritage sector is 
funded by institutions which have enough muscle to realise the 
potential of ICT and are committed to harnessing its power for 
their organisation. This has produced a handful of systems 
which share a number of characteristics. These systems are 
generally (though some notable exceptions do exist): 
1. available only in-house to members of the 
2. limited in scope to one particular application 
(eg a database on artefacts); 
3. chronically under-funded; 
4. incapable of handling the huge amounts of data 
generated by state-of-the-art 2D and 3D 
imaging systems; 
5. not linked (or designed to be linked) to real 
time, on-line Trusted Third-Party repositories; 
6. devoid of knowledge-based functionality; 
7. incapable of front-ending web-based access to 
large-scale database systems; 
8. devoid of Project Management functionality; 
9. not designed to enable distributed processing 
across the Web; 
10. rapidly growing obsolete 
• Vide Borg C.E. and Cannataci J.A., Thealasermetry: 
a hybrid approach to documentation of cultural 
heritage sites and artefacts, Proceedings of the CIPA 
WG 6 International Workshop on Scanning for 
Cultural Heritage Recording,Sep 1-2 2002,p.93-104, 
y.pdf .

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