complets et
Giorgio Bezoari
Politécnico di Milano. Dip. LLAR. sez. Rilevamento
p.zza Leonardo da Vinci 32. 20133 Milano (ITALY)
Commission VL Working Group 3
KEY WORDS: Education. Surveying. Close - Range Photogrammetiy .
During some survey campaigns led in Armenia and in Greece respectively, we applied different terrestrial
photogrammetrical techniques in order to supply with a quite exhaustive and significant documentation of these
In the first case the relief object is a monumental complex of great importance, not only for the history of the Armenian
architecture, but also for the architectural world estate.
The monument was damaged by an earthquake and the relief processes are a valid support for the realization of the
restoration project.
The further applications of the terrestial photogrammetrical techniques are particularly suitable for the study of
archaeological finds such as remains of ancient walls located in Greece.
The research on an Armenian monument, keeping in
mind the real operative conditions, underlined an
interesting experience that has revalued the traditional
knowledge in Armenia, that was also an example of the
most sophisticate Italian technologies, not only for the
survey techniques but also for the restoration project
based on tables realised while the survey campaign was
taking place.
In order to perform the following conservation project
elaboration of the Marmashen complex main church, for
the execution of the metric relief we assumed to use the
1:50 scale, suitable for the work we intended to carry' out
in a project phase and also for the quite short time of the
surv ey campaign.
The metrical survey has been planned to obtain
information on the state of the monumental complex and
its dimensional characteristics, paying also attention on
the checking of the local materials, and to their use. but
also on the decay of the materials selves.
In occasion of this intervention we applied to both
photogrammetrical and topographical rigorous
methodologies, besides the usual manual survey and "on
sight" usual ones. A so differentiated survey approach has
been functional to another aim too: showing the practise
of the monument survey in Italy to Armenian architects
skilled at restoration.
The topographic survey
The planimétrica! survey of the church was performed
beginning with a close poligonal net. We used in this case
the theodolite Wild T2 ( accuracy ± 0L 0001) and the
distantiometcr Wild DI4 (accuracy ± 5 mm).
After that we realized the detail survey employing the
same topographic instruments and some simple
The architectural survey
Among the photogrammetrical survey experiences led in
the last years, it is worth to mention the one carried out
with a survey campaign in the archaeological field and
the other one led in the restoration activity' of a
monument within the list of the general Board for the
Preservation and the Fruition of the Monuments in
Beginning with the last one. it deals with the main church
of Marmashen. the monastic complex of X-XIII century,
placed in one of the most injured area by the eartquake in
1988. North-West from the town of Koumairi (already'
called Leninakan). on the left bank of the river Axurian.
at almost 1.500 metres on the sea level (fig. 1 )
Fig. 1 - The monumental complex of Marmashen
The choice of the Marmashen church has been
determined by the importance of this monument, not only
for the history of the Armenian architecture, but also for
the architectural world estate.