Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

4. Conclusions 
The followings are the main objectives of the present work: 
• A GIS/WEB prototype design for intemet/intranet data 
sharing conceived from a methodological point of view, 
suitable also for other geographic areas and different 
types of data. 
• Set up of access control measures giving, in the 
meantime, the application its promotional aspect. 
• Implementation of database dynamic access mechanism, 
that is the dynamic generation of data (both graphics and 
textual) fruition shells. 
• Design of a graphic “user friendly” interface, able to 
drive users to an easy navigation. 
On the basis of these considerations, we retain the goals 
gained, taking particular attention to dynamic generation of 
activeCGM pages (graphic pages), useful to allow users to 
build their own navigation paths. 
In addition, the usage of the Internet Database Connector (an 
ISAPI application) allows the definition of SQL (Structured 
Query Language) parametric queries, suitable to extract from 
the database all the textual attributes defined by users 
GeoMedia Web Map software optimise internet graphic data 
sharing management. ActiveCGM maps format, being 
extremely compressed, reduces client browser loading time, 
and it is well integrated with HTML documents. A1 the 
operations performed in the site have been associated to 
graphic interfaces, built by means of simply command, 
buttons and predefined forms aiding the navigation. 
Data protection have been ensured by: 
1. Displayable maps can be pasted in the notebook, loosing 
the original cartographic precision. Their usage is only 
valuable from the information point of view; where user 
needs those data has to ask directly to the owner. 
2. Access control is performed at the beginning of the 
application (user name requested at the login) avoiding 
not authorised users to enter the site 
5. References 
Map Administrator, Getting Started - Huntsville Alabama 
MICROSOFT CORPORATION (1996) - Guido in linea dei 
Servizi Microsoft Peer Web -

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