Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

From co and 0 the rotational matrix R(co,0) can be reconstructed Acknowledgement 
by means of Rodrigues’ formula [9] as 
b) apply a 3-D cartesian phase correlation algorithm [4] on 
¿,(k) and £> 2 (k) = F[d 2 (x) | k] = Z,,(k) e ■ j27tKTt , i.e. [2] S. Weik, “Registration of 3-D Partial Surface Models Using 
f(9(k) I xl = 6 (x — t) (12) [4] R. Murray, Z. Li and S. Sastry, A Mathema 
to Robotic Manipulation, CRC Press, 1994 
D views is a natural application of methods for estimating 3-D 
rigid rotations and translations. 
The proposed algorithm was applied to a bas-relief in Padua: 
Fig. 2 shows two partially overlapping range images while Fig.3 
shows the resulting composition of range and intensity data of 
these images . This object, whose dimension are about 60 x 100 
cm, is very articulated since there are many anatomical details 
such as faces, arms, hands, etc., in full 3-D relief. The regions of 
the range images associated to the same scene were determined 
by a manual procedure and the proposed algorithm was used in 
order to determine the rotation and the translation between the 
taking positions of the range camera. Fig. 4 shows the compo 
sition of the range and intensity images of Fig. 3 . 
The available results show that the proposed method is suitable 
to give unsupervised estimates within 1° degree precision of the 
angular parameters. It can be applied to 3-D views registration 
in tasks where this precision is adeguate or it can be used in 
order to obtain affective starting points for standard feature- 
based methods, which as well-known, can give accurate solu 
tions once they are properly initiated. The novelty of presented 
procedure relies upon the fact that it is a ferquency domain 
approach; therefore it uses the global information of the data 
and not sets of features. This is probably one of the causes of its 
The translational vector t can be estimated as follows: 
4. Estimation of the 3-D Translational Vector t 
R((ù ,\\i ) = e av =1 +(£>sin\\j + co 2 (1 - cosy) 
This study has been developed within the project “Definition of 
a quality model for 3D digital cartography carried out by digital 
photogrammetry, with suitable features for representing urban 
buildings, for planning mobile phone networks”. Partly financed 
by MURST (Italian Ministry of University and Research) in 
1997 as a project of relevant national interest. National coor 
dinator: Riccardo Galetto Head of the research unit Antonio 
a) De-rotate the image / 2 (x) as 
d 2 (x) = / 2 (Æk) = /, (x -1) 
(10) [1] P.J. Besl and N.D. McKay, “A Method for Registration of 
3-D Shapes”, IEEE Trans, on PAMI, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 239- 
259, Feb. 1992. 
compute the normalized product between transform 
Luminance also Depth Information”, Proc. of International 
Conference on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and 
Modeling, Ottawa, Canada, May 1997, pp. 93-100. 
c) evaluate its inverse Fourier transform 
[3] L. Lucchese, G.M. Cortelazzo, A.Vettore, “Estimating 3-D 
Rototranslations from Range Data by a Frequency Domain 
Technique”, in Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IV, 
A. Gruen / H. Khamen, Ed. Wichmann, Zuerich, September 
1997, pp. 444-453 . 
The translational vector t can be estimated from the peak of 
impulsive function y(x). The method can be efficiently imple 
mented by using MD FFT algorithms [4]. The registration of 3- 
[5] Anil K. Jain, Fundamental of Digital Image Processing, 
Prentice Hall Information and System Sciences 
Series,Thomas Kailath, Series Editor, 1989.

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