x* — X + 1
y* = y+m (5)
z*-z + n
where 4 m, n, are the factors of translation, respectively
along the axis x, y, z.
3. Scale transformations
They produce in the object a change of the linear dimensions.
They can have global effect or local effect. They are
characterised by a transformation matrix as (5):
'a 0 0 0'
0 0 0 1_
The scale factors are obviously a, e , j, acting respectively on
x, y, z. In the case with three different factors, the scale
transformation are said local. On the contrary', in a global
scale transformation we have:
a = e=j
When the transformation is global, the whole transformation
matrix is normally divided by the scale factor, so that the sole
element different from the unity is the 4,4 term the only one
that assumes a value equal to the inverse of the scale factor.
4. Shear transformations
Their effect is to act on the angles of the solid object where
they are applied. They can be regarded as complementary to
the scale transformations.
'a 0 0 0'
S- 0 e 0 0 (7)
0 0 j 0
0 0 0 1
[x + yd + gz,bx + y + iz,cx + fy + z, l] (8)
5. Rotations
Before investigate a rotation about an arbitrary axis on the
three-dimensional space, let's examine the rotations about the
co-ordinate axes. So it will be possible to combine them in a
series of
0 cos#
sin 9
0 -
sin 9
cos 9
COS Y Sin \ff 0
— sin
Y cos y 0
0 1
0 0
COS <t>
transformations in cascade. By rotating an object about the x-
axis, the abscise of such an object does not change. The same
holds for the axes y and z. That means that any of these
transformations is plane. Writing the transformation matrices
respectively for the rotations about the axes x, y, z, all that
becomes very clear.
The negative sign position is due to the choice of the right
hand convention, or positive rotations when counter
clockwise. As we will see later, to obtain a rotation about an
arbitrary axis, multiple transformations will be needed, more
matrices in cascade. It has to be reminded that the product
raws by columns is not commutative, so in general the
execution order of the transformations will be fundamental.
6, Transformation of reflection
For an object it is not always possible to obtain the required
configuration, by means of translations and rotations. The
transformation of reflection cannot be obtained as
composition of rotations and translations. Similarly to the
rotation, the reflection takes place respect to a geometrical
entity, which in the case is the plane. For now we take into in
consideration the reflections respect to the planes co-ordinate
only. In the chapter dedicated to the multiple transformations,
we will see that, as for the rotation, the reflection respect to
an arbitrary plane, can be obtained by composition of simple
reflections. The determinant of the reflection matrix values
always -1. Consider for example a reflection respect to a
plane xy, only the co-ordinate along z is modified; it changes
the sign. All that suggests the form of the transformation
'1 0 0 0'
0 0 0 1
respect to xy
-1 0 0 0'
0 0 0 1
respect to yz
'1 0 0 0'
0 0 0 1_
respect to xz
7. The multiple transformations
As anticipated, many transformations can be obtained with a
series of matricial products in cascade. The most general
transformations are obtained as matrix concatenation of more
basic transformations.
• Arbitrary translation
• Rotation about an arbitrary axis
• Reflection through an arbitrary plane
The closer matrix generates the first transformation, the
farther the last one.
[Xym = [X]-[T\)-[T2\-...-[Tn\ (is)
The [77] are combinations of translations, rotations,
reflections etc. Among the multiple transformations there are
the perspective and projective transformations also. Such
transformations produce a lost of information, so that when
present they must be executed as last.
8. Rotation about an axis parallel to the co-ordinate axes
Often a rotation about an axis different from the co-ordinate
ones must be performed. The paragraph considers the case
when such an axis is parallel to one of the co-ordinate axes
only. We take into consideration first the parallelism with the