The proposed method is simple and economical,
although not very accurate, neglecting the
asymmetric distortion and the distortion variation
with the focussing distance. It reduces
significantly the number of the unknown
parameters of collinearity or DLT equations. It
enables the distortion correction also for long
focal lenses cameras, achieving a better accuracy
in the survey, reducing the amount of the needed
control points. This work is intended to be the
first step only for a full camera calibration. The
strategy will be: a) interior orientation estimate
with no distortion by a bundle procedure; b)
estimate of the distortion making use of the
already computed principal point; c) repeat step
a) and b) up to the convergence
Acknowledgements - We thank Geotop,
Ancona, for having lent the Rollei camera.
Claudio Lagana, Pesaro, has performed the test
of Minolta lens.
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