Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

A.L. Gueye*, O. Aguda** 
* Lecturer in the Department of Remote Sensing & GIS, RECTAS, Ile-Ife, Nigeria 
**Lecturer in the Department of Geography, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria 
ISPRS Commission VI Working Group 3 
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Geographic Information Systems are being widely proposed as a valuable tool to support 
administration, teaching and research within a variety of fields [1]. In Nigeria, this new drive has 
occasioned a proliferation of academic departments offering various forms of specialization in this 
area and its related disciplines. Parallely, there has been an involving increase in the opportunities 
for staff training and up-grading both overseas and locally to provide the necessary capability to 
facilitate implementation at training levels [3]. Presently, courses in GIS are being offered by at 
least three departments at the University of Lagos. The Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U.), Ile- 
Ife is yet to start at the Master’s level in the department of Geography. 
The scramble for Geomatics education can be explained by the fact that it is seen as a totally new 
and modem discipline, in contrast to existing programs which are long overdue for revision. On the 
other hand, issues such as the high initial investment and subsequent maintenance cost on the 
required instmmentation, the obligatory organizational changes necessitated, inter-departmental 
competition and conflicts and more crucially, the short-term obsolete nature of computer 
technology, are seriously affecting the efforts undertaken so far. These issues can not be addressed 
by single departments alone [1]. Kufoniyi [2] proposes a national geospatial information 
infrastructure for the establishment of communication, links and partnerships guidelines and the 
sharing of data amongst individuals and organizations within the geodata community. This paper 
will attempt to set up a framework for standardized training, education and research universities and 
other tertiary education centers. 
1. M. Barry and S. Butcher: Implementation of GIS at the University of Cape Town: a model for 
tertiary education institutions. ITC Journal 1998-3/4 
2. O. Kufoniyi: Aspects of institutional framework for the implementation of GIS in Nigeria: 
3. K.J. Beeck and C.M.J. Paresi: Geoinformation: a world in motion. 
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