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Mojca Kosmatin Fras
Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Photogrammetry
Jamova 2
SI - 1000 Ljubljana,
e-mail: mojca.fras@institut-gf.uni-lj.si
ISPRS Commission VI, Working Group 3
KEY WORDS: close range photogrammetry, architectural photogrammetry, computer graphics, three-
dimensional models, Slovenia
The paper presents the recent development of the Photogrammetry Department of the Institute of Geodesy,
Cartography and Photogrammetry in documentation of objects of cultural heritage. Work was focused on
developing up-to-date metrical documentation of objects, promoting team work, promoting the use of
photogrammetry in humane studies and preparing recommendations for technical standards. A review of the
work is supplemented with examples of implemented projects.
Key words: close range photogrammetry, architectural photogrammetry, computer graphics, three-
dimensional models
Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and
Photogrammetry at the Faculty of Geodesy and
Civil Engineering, Ljubljana was established 45
years ago by the government and has today
(accidentally) 45 employees. Although being a
governmental institution, the Institute has to earn
it’s income in the market, competing with other
(mostely private) firms in Slovenia. In the
Photogrammetry Department there are six people.
Activities in the field are concentrated in:
• close range photogrammetry (applications in
architecture and archaeology)
• topographical photogrammetry for national
• production of 3D city models
• education at the Faculty (practical works for
In the recent few years, the Photogrammetry
Department of the Institute of Geodesy,
Cartography and Photogrammetry has been
intensely engaged in introducing contemporary
forms of photogrammetric documentation for the
needs of protecting the cultural heritage. During this
period, the Institute has acted as contractor for the
Cultural Heritage Office of the Republic of
Slovenia and completet a large number of projects
which are part of an umbrella project entiteled
Surveys. In 1991, the then Institute of the Republic
of Slovenia for the Protection of the Natural and
Cultural Heritage placed a five-year projct entitled
Surveys - Technical Photographs of More
Demanding Structures which are part of the
Cultural Heritage into the program of the Ministry
of Culture. This was the first time that the Slovene
monument protection service discussed the
documenting of our cultural heritage more
comprehensively as an important part of its
activities (Grobovsek, 1996). Since the project was
successful and became well-established, it is still
being carried out.
The basic goal of the project was to prepare
photogrammetric documentation for monuments,
but we also sought new and more appropirate
product forms, more advanced technological