method (the first part), surveying method (the rest). All of this data was originally received in fully digital form. Processing of the
three-dimensional data was done by MicroStation software package, which was the only software package available in that time. The
primary purpose of these data sets was the creation of photo-realistic models of all of the related areas and testing the possibilities of
visualisation and animation. The requirements of good data relationship and data homogeneity were very closely monitored because
these data sets will be required during the next phase of the project which will be creation of complete three-dimensional model of
the entire theatre.
The precision of the data sets obtained during this phase was one of the primary parameters observed. Various control measurements
were put in place. The level of data precision is connected to the method of data collection and also to the level of experience of the
operator. In addition, it is very dependent on the degree of a generalisation necessary in so complicated area and problems with an
identification of documented entities and individual points as well. The degree of generalisation is related to the requirements of the
end customers, strictly speaking a solution could be obtained during discussions with them - the typical question is what is techni
cally possible. The timbers and wooden components of the theatre, which make up the technical equipment, are good examples of it.
Fig. 1: Visualization of the upper part of machinery
The digital non-metric camera was mainly used for a simple photo-documentation of the areas and for acquisition of textures of ma
terials. In some cases the images for the single image photogrammetric restitution were taken too. These images were processed with
specialised software (TopoL - Czech product) - the rectification of images and vectorization were done with the data. The results of
these steps were planar and they were moved into the space via identical points. Testing evaluation was performed in one of stereo
pairs (digital workstation - VSD).
The purpose of the project is searching and checking of an appropriate technologies and workflows in the acquisition, processing and
visualization of three-dimensional data.
Fig. 2: Visualization of the stage