Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Three-Dimensional Analytical Model Obtained by Photogrammetry - 
Segmentation, operation and applications in the field of architectural restoration 
Leandro Cámara, Pablo Latorre 125 
From Pencil Drawing to Computer Model - A Method Combining Strategy for the Documentation 
of the ‘Domus Severiana’ at the Palatine in Rome 
Alexandra Riedel, Ulrich Weferling 132 
Photogrammetric 3D-Documentation of the Cathedral of Aachen 
Wilhelm Benning, Christoph Effkemann, Raimund Schwermann 140 
Creating Archives of Digital Images 
Klaus-Jürgen Simon, Hartmut Ziemann 147 
3D City Modelling for Mobile Augmented Reality 
Siyka Zlatanova, Frank A. van den Heuvel 152 
Photointerpretation and Small Scale Stereoplotting with Digitally Rectified Photographs 
with Geometrical Constraints 
Gabriele Fangi, Gianluca Gagliardini, Eva Savina Malinverni 160 
The Digital Dream: The Floor Paving of the Royal Palace in Valladolid, Spain - 
An Example of Systems for Obtaining Plans Using Computer Techniques 
Juan José Fernández Martín, José Martínez Rubio, Jesús Ignacio José Alonso 168 
External and Internal Surveying of a Construction Using Low-Cost Equipment 
Mario Gardiol, Jürgen Philips 173 
Archaeological Survey: Data Processing Experimentation and Direct Observation 
Diego Maestri, Marco Canciani, Giovanna Spadafora 177 
The Tower of the Winds (Athens) - Restitution and Visualization 
Jose Herraez-Boquera; Jose Carlos Martinez Llario, 
Tatiana Senent, Pablo Navarro Esteve 185 
Photogrammetric Survey in Traditional Rural Constructions in Galicia (Spain) 
Pedro Arias, Sonia Vázquez, H. Lorenzo, T. Rego 188 
Fast and Accurate Close Range 3D Modelling by Laser Scanning System 
Gabriele Fangi, Federica Fiori, Gianluca Gagliardini, Eva Savina Malinverni 196 
From 3D-Laser-Scanning to Electronically Controlled Reproduction of Sculptures in Natural Stone - 
A New Service for a More Efficient Monument Restoration 
Thomas Kunze 204 
The Statue of Ramsete II - Integration of Digital Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Technique 
for 3D Modelling 
Andrea Lingua, Fulvio Rinaudo 206 
Documentation of the Palmyrene Tower-Tombs in Syria Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry - 
Archaeological and Photogrammetric Results 
André Brall, Michael Breuer, A. Henning, Fabian Hohmuth, Olaf Prümm, Torsten Stamm 212 
Photogrammetric Recording of a Historical Pianoforte 
Mike Wybraniec, Iliana Theodoropoulou 218 
Rock Art Photogrammetry - The Bear at Fonte Grande II Canyon - Uibai - Bahia, Brazil 
Gilson Dimenstein Koatz, Herbert J. B. Erwes, Hanns J. C. von Studnitz, 
Maria da Conceiçâo de Moraes Coutinho Belträo 221

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