The Statue of Ramses II - Integration of Digital Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning ...
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Fig. 9: Ramsete II statue - 3D orthophoto of the face (left) - Sterophotomap of the statue (right)
The laser scanner is a new technology that can be used to improve the metric recording of architectural and archaeological goods.
The fast and economic acquisition of a large number of 3D points and the easy usage of the laser scanner devices are the principal
qualities of this new methodology.
The primary data acquired by laser scanner devices cannot be directly used: they are affected by noise effects and sometimes can be
redundant. The noises must be eliminated using statistical approaches and it is necessary to regularize the resulting DDTM in order to
speed up the use of this instrument.
The final DDTM can have a density that is impossible to obtain using other survey techniques with costs and times that are compara
ble to those offered by laser scanner technology.
In architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage recording applications, the laser scanner data are not exhaustive. Only the inte
gration with other traditional survey techniques allows one to appreciate the advantages offered by laser scanning methods.
Integration with digital photogrammetry in particular offers the possibility of understanding and appreciating the metric and descrip
tive quality of laser scanner data. In many digital photogrammetry applications (e.g. 3D orthophoto production and 3D navigation)
the DDTM produced by laser scanner devices can replace the always heavy DTM production by means of matching algorithms.
The authors would like to thank:
• Ms. Donadoni, head of the Egyptian Museum of Turin, for her kindness in allowing us access to the statue of Ramsete II;
• The Riegl Company (Austria) and Nikon Instruments (Italy);
• Prof. Sergio Dequal, coordinator of the research group “Surveying and Geomatics” of the Politecnico di Torino.
The work is part of the National research project “Innovative techniques for the documentation, surveying and management of the
architectural environmental patrimony “ (National coordinator Prof. Carlo Monti)
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