The Getty Conservation Institute Proposed Partnership with ICOMOS-CIPA ...
We are currently planning for a two-day meeting to be held in Los Angeles at the Getty Center. The meeting would bring together a
dozen key international conservation professionals drawn mainly from the information users group to join some colleagues from the
GCI. They will be carefully selected from all levels of the international community - private and the public sector, including
countries where resources are scarce. They will include managers, historians, conservators, architects, planners and archaeologists.
The overall objective of the first round table will be for the participants to share their needs for RecorDIM and the areas they can
identify where information and tools are required. We will carry out a critical review of the current availability of documentation
knowledge and information - to evaluate how the needs of the field are being met and furthermore try to develop appropriate tools to
address these needs.
The information gathered from this meeting will be synthesized into a report that will fully define the gaps for documentation
knowledge in the field and at the same time identify potential partnerships. It will provide additional material to guide the content
and format for the publications - especially the handbooks. It will identify the areas where training is most required. It will also
provide other areas where work is required - such as testing of new methodologies and technologies.
The information gathered from this Round Table will lay the foundation for a long-term sustainable project. In addition to the
publication and training, we hope to tackle a few of the gaps that will have been identified - and where we have the appropriate
expertise to be able to bring resources and suitable partnerships to address them through new and existing Getty Conservation
Institute projects.
To implement this initiative, the Getty Conservation Institute has assigned Christopher Gray, a specialist in recording and surveying,
as Project Manager and has retained the services of Robin Letellier, a well-known specialist in the RecorDIM field to coordinate this
initiative at the international level.