Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Introduction of Documentation Techniques to Postgraduate Students 
Based on the short description ot some of our semester projects and one project of a final examination task, it is to be seen how and 
which kind of different documentation techniques are essential in our education field 4 . 
Only the collaboration of the different disciplines: history of architecture and building archaeology as well as geodesy and 
photogrammetry will bring out an optimum of information as a basis for the responsible conservation and rehabilitation of a historic 
building. A profound study and research on a built enviroment will always be the best preparation to work on a historic monument or 
even on an existing building. 
1 For further information see: Dorothée Sack, Denkmalpflege in Berlin, in: Achim Hubel (ed.) Ausbildung und Lehre in der 
Denkmalpflege. Ein Handbuch (Petersberg 2001) 96-100. 
2 For the définition of the term Bauforschung = Building Archaeology see, Manfred Schüller, Building Archaeology, Monuments 
and Sites VII, ICOMOS 2002, 7. 
3 For detailed information see, Dorothée Sack (ed.), Der Versuchspavillon der Schule am Dammweg von Bruno Taut in Berlin- 
Neukölln. Bauaufnahme und Dokumentation Wintersemester 1998/1999. Aufbaustudium Denkmalpflege der Technischen 
Universität Berlin Heft 1 (Berlin 2000). 
4 For a complété documentation of different techniques see, Ulrich Weferling, Katja Heine, Ulrike Wulf (ed.) Messen, Modellieren, 
Darstellen. Vom Handaufmaß bis High Tech. Aufnahmeverfahren in der Historischen Bauforschung (Mainz 2001). 

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