Baratin, Bitelli, Unguendoli, Zanutta
The survey of the interior and the exterior of the S. Caterina d’Italia church in Valletta, Malta, were realised using various
methodologies and technologies. The aim was to build a complete 3D database for an accurate geometric characterisation of the
building, as an essential information to carry out restoration and structural activities.
The integration of different topographic and photogrammetric techniques has produced an accurate set of three-dimensional products;
among these, interest results came for an appropriate coding of the façade’s architectural elements to the numbering of the single
ashlars, and from integrating the vector restitution for the interior of the dome with orthophoto representations of frescos and other
details, realised by a digital photogrammetric system.
The restoration works of the exterior, finished in the summer 2001 (fig. 11), concerned one series of operations based on this 3D
database. Among these, some ashlars replacement (see ashlars coding, fig. 4) and the general cleaning of the external surface subject
to physical and chemical agents (weathering, motors vehicle emissions, etc.).
Figure 11 : Santa Caterina d’Italia church after restorations
The recover of frescos and the structural reinforcement of the dome (restoration works of the interior) are operations still in progress.
Fundamental prerequisites for these activities are the surveys realised that provided new elements for the geometrical characterisation
of the building and mainly of the dome shape.
Baratili L., Bitelli G., Cuppini G., Zanutta A.: “Progetto MURA per il restauro delle fortificazioni a Malta: il rilevamento
fotogrammetrico”, Atti 2a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, pp. 239-246, Bolzano, 1998.
Baratili L., Bitelli G., Unguendoli M., Zanutta A.: “Malta. Aspetti metodologici per il rilievo del patrimonio architettonico”. Catalogo
della Mostra-Convegno “11 rilievo dei beni architettonici per la conservazione”, pp. 183-187, Ed. Kappa, Roma, 2000.
Baratili L., Bitelli G., Unguendoli M., Zanutta A.: “Digital orthophoto as a tool for thè restoration of monuments”. International
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Voi. XXXIII, Part B5, 62-69, Amsterdam, 2000.