Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

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Miluse Valentova, Tomas Dolansky 
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Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering 
Department of Mapping and Cartography, Laboratory of Photogrammetry 
Thakurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6, Czech Republic 
M. Valentova: phone: +420 2 24 35 54 16; +420 2 33 05 17 62, fax: +420 2 24 35 54 19 
e-mail: miluse.valentova@fsv.cvut.cz 
r.net (version 
T.Dolansky: phone: +420 2 24 35 54 16; +420 2 33 05 17 64, fax: +420 2 24 35 54 19 
e-mail: tomas.dolansky@fsv.cvut.cz 
s generation of 
July 7-9 1999, 
?p 58,62. 
KEY WORDS: Simple Methods of Photogrammetry, Database, Historical Monuments, XML 
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This article deals with our the first experience gained from the data collecting for the project of the Czech historical monuments 
documentation called "Database of Czech historical monuments". About 80 students of the 3 rd year at CTU in Prague, whose branch 
of study is geodesy and cartography, had to measure any historical monument, each of them one, as a part of their lessons in 
Photogrammetry 20. The method of measuring they used was the simple photogrammetric method called "3x3-Rules", which was 
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presented by Peter Waldhausl in conference ISPRS, Melbourne, Australia, March 1994. Each student had to elaborate technical 
documentation and add it to the final report which contains photos of the historical monument, information about using apparatus, 
description of work, literature where any reference about the object is etc. 
The next step of the project processing is to choose the appropriate data structure for web data presentation. For description of 
compiled data we intend using the Extended Mark-up Language (XML) which is supposed to be the best tool available for 
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description of structured data independently of the software commonly used at present, web presentation and searchable database of 
the project data will be derived from the XML documents. 
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In this article there will be presented a project, which is called Database of Historical Monuments in Czech Republic. The projects 
objective is to create the most extensive database and measure photodocumentation of historical monuments in the whole territory of 
the Czech Republic. The database will be also available on the Internet. In this article we have focused on the data collection process 
as our main task and the programming/scripting part is described briefly below. 
The project concept was created by Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka and Doc. Ales Cepek. The project is being done at CTU in Prague at the 
Department of Mapping and Cartography with the cooperation of experts of Information Technology and members of the Laboratory 
of Photogrammetry. The main specialisation of our Laboratory of Photogrammetry is currently in the field of digital 
photogrammetric measuring in architecture. 
Almost all projects involving photodocumentation of a building are solved as student diplomas or PhD. thesis and are being 
supported by various grants. There are some samples of these projects available on page: 
http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~hodac/vyuka/laborator_ftgm . 
The project began in the summer term 2001/2 with changing the programme of practical courses of photogrammetry. Students are 
now requested to work out three tasks in digital methods of photogrammetry as well as a final term project focused on applying 
simple photogrammetry methods to any Czech historical building they choose. 
It means that each student measures the building using a measuring tape and theodolite and makes photographs for the purpose of 
creating the basic measuring documentation. 
Students are offered study materials, the processing harmonogram, tutorials (personal or through the internet) as well as access to 
tools needed for basic measuring like cameras, tapes, theodolites etc. All information, guides, handbooks needed for proper working 
out the task for students are available on the Internet. 
There is a list of endangered sights in the Czech Republic that are needed to be documented prior to other historical objects because 
of their advanced state of neglect. The list of endangered sights is presented on the website at 
Obviously, we measure only those that are able to be measured by simple methods in the first case. 
Proceedings 18 th International Symposium CIPA 2001 
Potsdam (Germany), September 18 - 21, 2001

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