Data Collecting for Project of Czech Historical Monuments Documentation
Figure 2: Marks for measuring distances on the object
4.1.2 Geometric configuration of photographs
An object is photographed with the requirement that it was possible to use the stereofotogrammetric methods and also the close range
photogrammetry for the future photogrammetric data evaluation. In some cases it is possible to evaluate the data also by the single
image photogrammetry (for example flat facades).
signs, heads of columns, stuccos, sculptures, paintings etc.). Number of photos is given by the size of objects and by the using
equipment. For the project there is a given standard, that the maximum size of pixel on the object in reality must be to the limit
4.2 Photographic rules
The next aspect is photographic rules, which show, how to simulate exact measuring cameras with constant elements ol inner
orientation. Photographic rules can be divided into four parts. There are:
The first rule for making photographs is to use the largest format of film you can. Middle format cameras using films 90x60mm,
60x60mm or 45x60mm are ideal for making photos. SLR cameras using film 36x24mm can also give good quality data. Compacts
don't give quality photos and in particular compacts with zoom object lenses are interior. Students can use also common digital
cameras in the project A very good alternative are today's modem digital SLR cameras. Students can use two digital cameras,
Olympus Camedia 2500L and 2000C digital, which the laboratory of photogrammetry owns. The choice of film material is not
important for the purposes of this project.
Preferred is making photographs with the horizontal axis of view and with an overlap of 60-80%, which is completed by cross photos
with the required because of the connection of neighbouring walls (Figure: 2). It is necessary to make more cross photos if it is not
possible to keep the right configuration of photos. Each part of object must be caught up on at least three photographs. Except these
photographs must be made also orthogonal photos, which show completely the whole facade and photos of important details (house
10mm. It is supposed to scan negatives with the maximum resolution of 2000 DPI. Students must think for themselves about all the
parameters before they start working on the project. So they must first know which is the maximum allowable distance from the
12 4 5 13
I ^ 2898mm
10 2
Figure 3: Ground plan of photogrammetry standpoints
• type of camera and media
• geometry of cameras
• light conditions
• and accessories
4.2.1 Type of camera and media