Valentova, Dolansky
4.2.2 Cameras geometry
It is necessary at least partly to simulate measuring cameras with the constant elements of inner orientation. For purpose of obtaining
the quality documentation it is needed to avoid of focusing. The result is that it is necessary to hold all the time, the same distance
from the object. Also, it is not admissible to use zoom (no zoom). Furthermore, it is necessary to keep a constant focal length.
Fiducial marks will be supplied by four comers of the photos. They must exist also after photo scanning. So don't trim them!
4.2.3 Light conditions
The sunny summer days is not the best weather for technical photography, because the shadows thrown by the buildings are too
contrastive. Cloudy weather is ideal because of the soft light without contrasting shadows interfering.
4.2.4 Accessories
By the accessories we mean a tripod, a sunblind, a flash and filters.
4.3 Documentation rules
Documentation rules are protocols, sketches and supporting texts, which need to be created.
4.3.1 Sketches
Sketches have to be well arranged and intelligible to be usable and readable for further processes.
What is the content of sketches? They are:
• position of the standpoints in the ground plan (Figure 3),
• elevation plan of each facade with the marked lengths (Figure 2)
• and the display of the space on each photograph.
The ground plan of the object with measuring distances around the whole object should not be missing. Everything has to be at the
correct scale.
4.3.2 Protocols
Each of the three protocols contains the most important information about object, using the camera and lens or about taking photos.
4.3.3 Supporting texts
Furthermore, it is required from students to make some reports and points lists.
They are:
• Description and history of the object
• analysis of its accuracy
• the technical report and list of the literature which deals with the given historical monument.
Technical report includes:
• the project name
• submission of the project
• used technology (theory)
• used technique
• description of several tasks
• description and history of the object
• literature and its sources
• abstract in foreign language
• data content in digital form
• appendixes
Today, the first year after the project started, there are 89 students who finished projects and 13 grants projects of the laboratory
photogrammetry, which will be included on the database. In the coming years we hope to get about 90 projects per annum. The
students with further interest of photogrammetry have will have the chance to process the data from their own project and to create a
3D model of their selected object by digital photogrammetric methods within the next optional seminar of photogrammetry.
If we look at the statistics and the placement of buildings in Czech Republic we can see 27 districts where students have chosen some
historical monuments:
• 47 projects are from Prague
• 4 projects are from district of Benesov