Inserting the Past in Video Sequences
Results for the 5616 x 4214 digital image A
image constant
image principal point
imaging distance Z 0
c = 7337 pixels
x 0 = 2682 pixels
y 0 = 2224 pixels
co(°) <K°) k(°)
16 -45 -12
19 m
Figure 4: The old photographs of the Vouros residence used. Only image A on the left was used for 3D reconstruction
Figure 5: General views and detail of the photo-textured model of the Vouros residence
These data allow metric modeling if the object’s polyhedral nature is exploited. Thus, 3D reconstruction was based on transferring X,
Y or Z point coordinates through intersecting planes, assuming their orthogonality or parallelism. The model was completed with all
required additional details, e.g. the balcony lattices. For texturing the model other images were also used, while artificial texture was
added wherever needed (texturing and animation was performed in 3DStudio Max). Frames of the textured model are seen in Fig. 5.
Figure 6: Creation of a panoramic image by rectifying cocentric images (1 to n) with respect to image A
As already mentioned, panoramic images can be generated either with specially designed rotating cameras or simply through mutual
rectification of images taken from the same standpoint. If full view (360°) panoramic images or images with very large angular
openings (for instance > 150°) are required, then a cylindrical projection is needed. For smaller angles, projection on a plane suffices.