Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

ds Index Key Words Index 
310 Resolution, High 731 
218 Resolution, Object 490 
352 Restitution 185 
614, 684 Restoration 529, 536 
565 Restoration, Monuments 204 
282 Reverse Engineering 556 
713 Rhine River 579 
639 Road, Ancient 108 
445 Rock Art 221,377 
160 Rock Churches 338 
735 Roman Achaeology 236 
331 Rural Changes 69 
173 Salem/Germany 263 
168 Scale, Large 277 
713 Scanner, Laser 196,206,430,437,445 
480 Scanning 423 
573 Scanning, Laser 196,204,360 
611 Scanning, Monuments 322 
132 Sculptures, Reproduction 204 
475 Self-Calibration 160,381 
367 Seljukid 653 
480 Separation, Color 731 
679 Siena 551 
611 Simple Image Geometry 713 
177,248 Simple Methods 55 
315 Simple Photogrammetry 32 
132 Single Image 699 
286 Single Image Techniques 707 
606 Single Images 713 
140 Sites 487 
132,402 Skills 322 
Slovenia 370 
551 Software 633 
Software, Correspondence 614 
503 Software, Multimedial 619 
338 Space Resection 598 
152,738 Spain 593 
462, 699 Spatial Information Systems 282 
256, 707 Specification 325 
229 Spectral Classification 377 
300, 381 Stability, Dye 731 
543 Stairway, Hieroglyphic 397 
236 Standards, Products 679 
338 Stereo Viewing 185 
593 Stereo, Dense 300, 381 
524 Stereo-Processing 345 
524 Stereo-Recording 345 
32 Stereogram 108 
430,606 Stereopair 741 
338, 607 Stereophotogrammetry 263 
13 Stereorestitution 480 
243 Stereoscopic Vision 293, 306 
345 Stereoscopy 160 
. 39, 160 Stone, Natural 204 
168,480 Strategy, Documentation 402 
543 Strategy, Presentation 132 
415 Structure from Motion 381 
490 Structures, Cylindrical 718 
611 Students, Postgraduate 331 
503, 671 Style, Architectural 263 
61 Surface Mapping 256 
731 Surface Modelling 236 
177 Surface Unwrapping 718 
614 Surfaces, Curved 277 
204 Surfaces, TIN 196 
263 Survey 177,437,516 
598 Survey of Buildings 263 
Survey Techniques 397 
Survey, 3D 86 
Survey, Archaeological 100, 177, 407 
Survey, Architectural 86, 100, 667, 718 
Survey, Direct 248 
Survey, Geophysical 516 
Survey, Heritage 397 
Survey, Low-cost 389 
Survey, Metric 325 
Survey, Photogrammetric 248, 256 
Survey, Urban 248 
Surveying 529, 565 
Surveying Methods, Optical 647 
Surveying Service 114 
Surveying, Architectural 423 
Surveying, External 173 
Surveying, Interdisciplinary 132, 402 
Surveying, Internal 173 
Sweden 367 
Sweeping, Plane 352 
Tacheometry 601 
Tacheometry, Automatic 423 
Tacheometry, Video- 611 
Tachymetry, Video-based 713 
Target 445 
Technical Documentation 370 
Technical University Berlin 331 
Techniques, Documentation 331 
Techniques, Survey 397 
Telescop-beam Platform 713 
Terrestrial Laser Scanner 445 
Terrestrial Photogrammetry 487 
Tests, Accuracy 445 
Texture Mapping 338, 454 
Texturing 661 
Theatre 121 
TheoLt 415 
Theory, Modelling 402 
Three-dimensional Model 691 
TIN Surfaces 196 
Topochronology 69 
Torcello (Italy ) 633 
Tower 185 
Tower, Antique 718 
Townscape 282 
Training 13,32,331 
Transformation, Local 684 
Transformation, Plane 614, 684 
Transformation, Projective 286 
Ultraviolet 731 
Undercuts 204 
Underwater Archaeology 691 
Underwater Photogrammetry 691 
Unwrapping, Image 114 
Unwrapping, Surface 718 
Urban Changes 69 
Urban Conservation 282 
Urban Estate Mangament 86 
Urban Planning 282 
Urban Project 248 
Urban Survey 248 
Use, future 367 
User Interfaces 585 
Valladolid 168 
Vanishing Points 160

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