h, Kraus, Naumann
Proceedings 18 th International Symposium CIPA 2001
Potsdam (Germany), September 18 - 21, 2001
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Elmar Csaplovics, Ulrike Herbig, W. Borner
Csaplovics : Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, University of Dresden, Germany
Herbig, Borner: Stadtarchâologie Wien, Vienna, Austria
armationssystems fur
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KEYWORDS: Historical Maps, Topochronology, GIS, Urban Changes, Rural Changes, Archaeological GIS
irborne laser scanner
Changes of socio-economic and political conditions transform the patterns of urban and rural landcover to a great extent. Historical
maps at local and regional scales are - besides topographic descriptions and works of fine art the earliest spatiotemporal documents of
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landcover and landuse change. These documents preserve historical descriptions of rural as well as of urban landscapes both geomet
rically and thematically. Comparative methods of GIS-based cartographic analysis are effective tools for building topochronological
data bases of the state and the dynamics of change of cultural/natural heritage sites. Time series of historical maps traditionally have
been analysed by visual comparison, generalisation and analogue mapping of specific features. Overlays of extracted information can
be merged to thematic maps of urban/rural landcover and landuse change. Nowadays GIS provides the tools for scanning, georefer-
ВЕРЕ Workshop on
encing and analysing time series of topochronological data. Interactive methods of collecting, controlling, selecting and connecting
multitemporal cartographic information support the analogue/digital processes of analysing and visualising local to regional urban
and rural landcover change of cultural and natural heritage sites.
SPRS-Journal 54, 2-
Case studies for the mainly rural areas in the region of Lake Neusiedl cross border-National Park (IUCN) show the efficiency of GIS-
based approaches to topochronological documentation of landscape change based on cartographic and geographical information
analysis. Specific cartographic sources for analysing historical maps of the transboundary region of Lake Neusiedl (Austria, Hun
gary) have to be arranged into three time levels between the 16 th and the beginning of the 20 Ih century. The developed GIS allow the
analysis of landcover changes from geographical units like ecotypes and landscape facets down to single objects of social value.
Case studies for urban areas focus on examples of the town of Torgau (Germany) and the city of Vienna (Austria). The Torgau study
deals with approaches to the local and regional analysis of urban development during a period from the early 18th century up to now.
Special interest is laid on the time at the beginning of the 19th century, when large areas of the suburbs have been demolished for
building vast fortifications. GIS-based analysis and representation of spatiotemporal urban data thus supports the establishment of a
multithematic spatial information system of the development and change of urban cultural heritage. The Vienna study aims to prove
the values of GIS for supporting an approach of the Municipal Department of Archaeology (Stadtarchâologie Wien) to integrate large
scale historical cadastral maps of Vienna, initially the "Franziszeische Kataster" (1823-1830), with the recent large scale digital map
of Vienna and with the related urban GIS data base. Amongst others specific research activities concentrate on building a GIS-based
topochronological documentation of the fortifications of Vienna by analysing large scale maps for the time period from the 15th
century to the destruction of the fortification in 1860.
Changes in time and space can effectively be documented and analysed by integrating GIS tools and methodologies of geographic
information science. GIS is thus closing the gap between sets of monotemporal cartographic information and multitemporal informa
tion on rural and urban change in time and space, then representing a mirror of socio-historical fluxes during the last centuries. GIS-
supported topochronological documentations of rural and urban change are in particular most suitable for increasing the willingness
of a wider public to participate in promoting initiatives for preservation and conservation of rural and urban, cultural and natural
Comparative methods of GIS-orientated cartographic analysis are effective tools for building topochronological data bases of the
state and the dynamics of change of cultural and natural heritage sites. Time series of historical maps traditionally have been ana
lysed by visual comparison, generalisation and analogue mapping of specific features. Overlays of extracted informations may be
merged to create thematic maps of urban and rural landcover and landuse change. Nowadays GIS provides the tools for scanning,
georeferencing and analysing time series of topochronological data of historical maps, but also of archive data of aerial photographic
missions and spacebome earth observation missions. Interactive methods of collecting, controlling, selecting and connecting mul
titemporal cartographic and remotely sensed information support the process of analysing and visualizing local to regional urban and
rural change of cultural and natural heritage sites.