ics, Herbig, Börner
Time Series of Historical Maps and Plans for Analysing Local to Regional Structures ...
t a rebuilding of the
is its practical test in
serties. (Fig. 15)
^strasse 1858
i 1809. This time the
buildings have been
became an park area
Emperor Franz Josef
nt which showed the
/mbol for this period
nent its history. It is
ronological presenta-
s planned to scan all
ienna. The idea is to
or format file, where
ined to be developed
The topochronological documentation of an urban area supports the presentation and understanding of the history of a town. The
mass of information can be easily structured when it is linked to a map which is represents the face of the town a specific period. By
using a topochronological documentation within a G1S the contents can be represented in a clear comprehensive and understandable
The work of the Vienna s Municipal Department of Archaeology will be to find good tools and possibilities to transform the historic
maps on to the actual map of Vienna. We welcome any proposals for the creation of this documentation and want to initiate a discus
sion on topochronological analyses.
Changes of landscapes in time and space can effectively be documented and analysed by integrating GIS (and remote sensing) tools
and methodologies of geographic information science. GIS is thus closing the gap between sets of monotemporal cartographic infor
mation and multitemporal information on rural and urban change in time and space, then representing a mirror of socio-historical
fluxes and their impact on natural heritage during the last five centuries. GIS-supported topochronological documentation of rural
and urban change are in particular most suitable for increasing the willingness of a wider public to participate in promoting initia
tives for preservation and conservation of rural and urban cultural and natural heritage.
Thanks to Nofrontiere Design AG, Vienna for the copies of the material for the oral presentation.
Thanks to Ulf Zimmermann for providing the selected examples of topochronological map analysis of the Torgau case study, as
well as to Marco Trommler for preparing the figures.
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