ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Mutti-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
ISPRS, Vol.34, I
spatial characteristic, such as area size. Generally, through SQL
conditional selection can delete some categories of building and
remained building is equally of importance requiring other
operation to solve conflicts. Displacement is valid just within
relative large space. When scale changes largely, in limited
space one displacement may result in new conflicts and it’s very
hard to find an appropriate position for each building.
Combination makes the conflict between original buildings
disappear but increases the building size. Furthermore the
conflict between new combined results still exist, unless all
buildings having conflict to each other are combined to one big
block. Single operation does not work for building cluster
generalization. The valid strategy is executing both displacement
and aggregation. (The independent simplification is necessary,
however we do not consider it here for building cluster.) Two or
more buildings moving together and aggregating into one, the
conflict between them doe not exist, on the other hand,
movement gives the contrary direction more room and the
conflict between new just generated building and context
neighbors may also be resolved.
Some of constraints are contradict to each other in building
generalization. The compromise strategy is to sacrifice each
constraint partly, not respecting anyone completely. Spatial
conflict removal is one of constraints and its solution has to
consider maintenance of position accuracy, the whole area
balance and Gestalt nature. The largest offset distance of
displacement should be restricted within position accuracy.
Generally, displacement can not guarantee two neighbor
buildings seamlessly sharing one common boundary, still with
gap fragment. So the aggregation result has the trend to
increase area. Following independent simplification needs to
consider this fact, and to perform operation preferring area
The Gestalt nature is hard to maintain because of the difficulties
of formally describing these cognition principles. We can
psychologically feel some buildings with same size, same
direction, same shape and other similar visual characteristics
should be assigned to one group, but until now we can not find a
model to represent spatial distribution pattern to identify the
group. It depends on complex spatial relationship representation
with the consideration of context environment, such as similarity
relationship. For building cluster, when the difference of gap
distance is distinct to each other, the grouping decision can be
made on only distance computation. Otherwise there may be the
case that all buildings within one street block has conflict
distance to each other and needs to be classified as one group.
In this situation, it is Gestalt nature rather than geometric
distance that distinguish building group in cluster structure.
Delaunay triangulation, which has the circumcircle principle and
closest to equilateral properties (Preparata and Shamos ,1985)
plays an important role in spatial adjacent relationship analysis
and results in series of achievements related to spatial neighbor
assessment. It can be applied to detect neighbor objects of one
determinate object and to analyze the conflict between them
(Jones etc.,1995, Ware etc., 1997). In spatial pattern recognition,
Peng implements Delaunay triangulation model identifying
islands lineal arrangement structure (Peng 1995). For polygon
categorical map generalization, Bader and Weibel propose an
approach of polygon combination by dividing small polygon
equally along skeleton and blending two parts into neighbor
polygons respectively(Bader and Weibel, 1997 ). Poorten and
Jones (1999) develop a method of customisable line
generalization using Delaunay triangulation. Ai(2000) constructs
a binary tree on the basis of Delaunay triangulation to represent
curve bend hierarchical structure.
Building cluster distribution contains much information
associated with adjacent relationship under context environment.
Next we will use Delaunay triangulation constructing a special
geometric construction to extract this kind of distribution
structured information.
3.1 Constructing Interpolated and Constrained Delaunay
When constructing Delaunay triangulation, all the building
boundary must be forced to serve as edge of triangles, not
intersecting with any triangles. This kind of triangulation is called
constrained Delaunay triangulation(Jones,1995). The triangles in
Delaunay triangulation (not constrained) network have the
properties of “as equilateral as possible” avoiding the
appearance of very narrow triangles and very sharp angles. It is
this nature that makes the Delaunay triangulation a powerful
model in spatial adjacency analysis. However, for constrained
triangulation, the constrained condition destroys this nature. In
the case of building cluster, some of boundary segments may be
long and leads to triangles also inheriting the long edge. The
constrained triangulation will not correctly detect adjacent
relationship between objects as illustrated in Figure 1 top. To
resolve the contradict, we apply a method of point-interpolation
on long boundary edges. This method divides the long edge into
several short segments and makes them respectively act as
different triangle edge in triangulation network. In Figure 1, for
the top graphic copied from(Ware,1997), the polygon boundary
is not interpolated and object o 2 can not be identified having
neighbor relation with object Oi. After the polygon boundary is
interpolated as shown in the bottom graphic, the triangulation
may correctly detect neighbor relationship between object o 2 and
'Z'/'i' 1 ' '
V V » x i \ f V M V
Fig. 1. Directly constructing constrained Delaunay
triangulation results in many very narrow triangles and
can not find o 2 is the neighbor of Oi. After boundary
being interpolated, the identification result is
correct.(The top graphic is from Ware,1997b)
A series of points add on building boundary edge in which
interval distance between two points is longer than interpolation
interval threshold w. Suppose the original building polygon
boundary (Pi), when the length || PiP i+1 ||>w ,then the interpolation
points {Q k } is computed as following:
Xj+X k X, +1 Y,+X k Y i+1
X k = , Y k =
1 +X k 1 +X k
k w
X k = (k=1,2,3 )
|PiP i+ i|-kw
To prepare for the next application, we define a data structure for
triangle storage with consideration of the relation between
building polygon and triangles:
typedef structure TRI-TYPE
{ int belong_to[3]; /* Polygon IDs on which three
triangle vertex points locate
int neighbor[3]; /* Three neighbor triangle IDs of
the current triangle
POINT barycenter, T The barycenter point of triangle;
The barycenter
building or not
this data structu
building, outside
outside buildinc
3.2 Selecting ai
We use the folk
set (where t re|
Select {tj
It removes two c
One is those witl
locating in one
removal is to a\
the next partitio
illustrates the se
light grey and mi
Fig. 2. Interestei
For selected tri
according to tf
neighbor, two ni
classified as typ
type I triangle a
triangle on the t
type II distributin
3.3 Creating I
Triangle SI 1
Skeleton connec
in figure 3, when
Type I
Fig.3, Skeleton cc
polygons, th<
geometric cc
(visualized as