ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
to class i is p i (X) . The task of classification is to classify
the object pixel j(j EE {1,2,* * *, TV}) into a certain category
i according to its observation values vector X . The
classification should obey a certain rule. And minimizing the
probability p (/) of mistaken classification is generally
required. That is to say,
p mc {i) = p r {c(x) * i,c(x)e {1,2, —,c}|/ =/} is a
minimum. In this equation, I is the actual class and C is the
classifier having the function shown as follows.
c : {XjJ = 1,2,**-, A^} -> {1,2,---,c} (Eq.1)
According to the Bayesian theorem, the posterior
probability p(i / a:) can be calculated. Under the condition of
minimizing the mistaken classification probability, C can be
described as:
C = / , if p(i/ x) = max(// x) (Eq.2)
To evaluate the classifier precision is to calculate the probability
of correct classification.
p(correct / X = x) = p(c{x) ^
= max p(i / x)\X = x) - max p(i / x)
/ 1 /
In Eq.3, picorrect IX — X) stands for the wholly
accessible probability expectation value of c(x) theoretically.
As for a certain classification procedure, the strict precision
evaluation needs the error matrix to be calculated. The error
matrix E can be described as follows.
E - {e tJ ) i,je{l,2,---,c} (Eq.4)
In Eq.4, 6 tJ refers to the number of objects or pixels that
have been classified into class i but actually belong to class J .
According to it, the indexes concerning the classification
precision can be calculated, such as the whole classification
precision and Kappa coefficient, etc.
From the above, the major mathematical procedure of a
typical image classification method can be seen. We may
expand it to the fully fuzzy aspect. That is to say, the fuzzy
characters should be efficiently described and processed during
the whole classification procedure including training, classifier
design and precision evaluation of its products.
Designing the fuzzy classifier is comparably easy to come
true in the whole fuzzy process. On the one hand, the popular
method is fuzzy clustering for the unsupervised classification. On
the other hand, the supervised classification method can
theoretically be made fuzzy, which is an important part of this
paper. The different fuzzy methods may be taken according to
the their different classifier. But they have something in common
that is the middle results closest to the output disperse
categories, such as p(i / X) shown in Eq.2, act as a direct or
indirect evidence for calculating the fuzzy affiliation degree
Hi (x).
The precision evaluation of the fuzzy classification products
uses the routine ways, which are not fuzzy and fuzzy
respectively. The precision evaluation indexes of fuzzy
classification include entropy, cross-entropy, disperse degree,
correlation coefficient, dot metrix and Euclidean distance. This
paper only describes the calculation equations of entropy and
cross-entropy simply.
entropy - - (■*) l°g2 Ei (•*) ( Ec ^- 5)
In Eq.5, the entropy stands for the out-of-order degree of the
classification results. The higher it is, the higher the fuzzy degree
is, which indicates the lower the classification precision is.
Actually, the value of the entropy only stands for the fuzzy
degree. As for a natural phenomenon that is originally very fuzzy,
maybe any of the fuzzy classification methods could describe its
fuzzy characteristic rather precisely. So there is no clear reverse
one-to- one correspondence between the value of entropy and
precision. In this case, the more objective and fair-minded
precision evaluation should be based on the cross-entropy.
cross - entropy = - ^/Z f U)log 2 g, (x)
+ ^Mi(x) log 2 //,.(x)
I€{ 1,2,-