Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, "Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
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2) Professor of Saitama Univeristy, Faculty of Engineering, 
Department of Information and Computer Sciences 
Research field: Geographic Information System, Data Structure 
for Spatio-temporal Data, Image Processing 
FigJS An example of STIMS window 
[1] Tor Bernhardsen, “Geographic Information Systems - An 
Introduction (second edition)”, John Wiley & Sons, 1999 
[2] Shigeru Kakumoto, Michinori Hatayama, Hiroyuki Kameda, 
Tokihiko Taniguchi, “Development of Disaster Management 
Spatial Information System (DiMSIS)”, Proc. Of IEAS’97, 1997 
[3] Shingo Otomo, Yutaka Ohsawa, “A Study on a 
No-topological Geographic Information System”, Proc. 8-th 
Functional Graphics Information System Symposium, pp.27-32, 
1997 (in Japanese) 
[4] N. J. Nilsson, “Problem-solving Methods in Artificial 
Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill, 1971 [3] Yutaka Ohsawa, Masao 
Sakauchi, “A New Type Data Structure with Homogeneous 
Nodes Suitable for a Very Large Spatial Database”, Proc. of 6th 
International Conference on Data Engineering, pp.296-303, 
[5] Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Foundations of Computer 
Science”, p.483, Computer Science Press, 1992 
[6] A.Guttman: R-trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial 
Searching”, Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. On Management of 
Data, pp.47-57, 1984 
[7] N.Beckmann, H.P.Kriegel, R.Schneider, B.Seeger, “The 
RMree: An Efficent and Robust Access Method for Points and 
Rectangles", Proc. of the 1990 SIGMOD, pp.322-331, 1990 
[8] Yutaka Ohsawa, Masao Sakauchi, “A New Type Data 
Structure with Homogeneous Nodes Suitable for a Very Large 
Spatial Database”, Proc. of 6 th International Conference on Data 
Engineering, pp.296-303, 1990 
[9] Yutaka Ohsawa, Masao Sakauchi, “A Proposal of 
Multi-Dimensional Data Structure with Two Kinds of Auxiliary 
Data for Retrievals and Managements", IEICE Trans., J74-D-1, 
8, pp.467-475, 1991 (in Japanese) 
[10] Yutaka Ohsawa, Kim Kyungwol, “A Spatio-temporal Data 
Management Structure Based on Different Script”, Theory and 
Applications of GIS, Vol.8, No.1,2000 
[11] Hideki Nonaka, Yutaka Ohsawa, “An Implicit Topology 
Description for Network and Spatio-temporal GIS", Proc. 
ISPRS2000, (CD-ROM Proceedings), 2000 
Yutaka Ohsawa: 
1) BE 1976(Shinsyu University), ME 1978(Shinsyu 
University), PhD 1985(University of Tokyo)

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