Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
Figure 7: visualising 2D and 3D data in one environment 
To access the data and to view the results of queries a viewer 
will be built on top of the geo-DBMS. It will be examined how the 
data can be viewed administratively, as well as two- 
dimensionally (traditional GIS interface) and three-dimensionally 
(perspective, stereo) and in combination with each other in one 
environment (see Figure 7). Possible techniques, which will be 
looked at, are 3D Java and (geo)VRML. 
In science and in applications, there is a tendency to model the 
world in multi-dimensions. However, it will take considerable 
time until geo-data and applications are capable to model the 
world (fully) in 3D. Moreover, a 2D approach still suffices in 
many cases. It is therefore relevant to look at a combination of 
2D spatial data and 3D spatial data in one DBMS-environment. 
At the Department of Geodesy of the Delft University of 
Technology a research has been started on this topic. This 
article described concepts developed so far concerning the 
incorporation of 3D geo-objects in an existing 2D geo-DBMS and 
the translation of these concepts into prototype implementations. 
This means data definition, data manipulation and data querying 
of 2D and 3D data in one environment. 
The starting point is to represent and maintain spatial features 
within a conventional DBMS instead of handling these outside 
the DBMS (in GISs). The support of spatial data types in a geo- 
DBMS include: 
spatial operators (or geometry functions); 
spatial indexing; 
spatial clustering; 
topology management. 
The data model that is currently used to represent 2D features is 
being extended with a 3D model extension. Possible data 
models studied in this research to represent 3D geo-objects are: 
using self containing 3D geometric data types; 
using a topological model to maintain and retrieve 3D 
Future work will focus on obtaining the required geo-data to 
represent 3D real world objects in the DBMS. This is the relevant 
data needed to store the geo-objects in the DBMS and will 
consist of the bounding envelope of the object, defined in a 
national spatial reference system. 
Further research is carried out to query and view 2D and 3D 
data in one environment. The required queries are being defined 
and will be implemented in the geo-DBMS. 
Finally, this research will lead to the implementation of all these 
aspects in one system: a geo-DBMS supporting 2D geo-objects 
and 3D geo-objects as well as in combination with each other. 
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