ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, "Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
uses on sustainable
teijing to investigate
> are involved in the
>lant Nutrition, Plant
or the township of
ata, remote sensing
igriculture with large
ad of the set up of a
China or are there
3 of environmental
itter is very apparent
hina is, as already
egister maps exist in
Ints of elevation and
s of the maps differs
a soil and land use
quality is rather poor,
a for the township of
ArcView was used,
not finished due to
the map indicate the
the township. The
ie land use units for
Iture, residential etc.,
mation as well. This
and is also used for
e lack of information
solved by a DGPS
•GPS campaign are
points. The DGPS
d 2 m is described in
e MDGIS’Ot (Bareth
PS mapping is the
Fig.1: Soil and iand use map 1:10,000 for Dongbeiwang (CAU = China Agricultural University)
The iand use information in the available sources is very vague.
More detailed data is needed. Therefore, an IKONOS2 image
(Spaceimaging©; was acquired
covering most parts of Dongbeiwang. The 1 m panchromatic and
4 m multispectral resolution of this image enables the
classification of large scale land use data (Bareth 2001). The
results of the DGPS mapping were used for geo-rectifying the
image and for a supervised land use classification by using
IDRISI32 ( In Fig.2, the IKONOS2 image is
displayed with the land use map 1:10,000.
Fig.2: IKONOS2 image (Credit: Spaceimaging©) covering most of Dongbeiwang township